View Full Version : I feel like I am on a come down from E's PLEASE HELP!

30-08-12, 16:52
Hi everyone,

I started taking Citalopram 2 days ago (for DP and AX) today is my second day on these things. The first day I took it (yesterday) after 30 mins I started to feel a little strange (nothing bad) just a strange feeling.. then a couple of hours later I started to feel like I had either dropped a pill and I was getting the nasty feeling b4 the E kicks in or I was on a comedown from them...

Pupils are HUGE, Tingles, hot and cold flushes, teeth biting (gurning) legs feel heavy etc..

I mean its kind of freaked me out, today is the same I guess.. maybe not so bad but still pretty much the same.

I went back to my docs today because I was a bit worried, he did offer to change me onto something else as he claims he has never really heard of these problems b4.. but I have read somewhere else that this can happen but I just wanted to know from people who actually take Citalopram is this a normal reaction? should I stop right away and change?

Thank you for reading and I really would appreciate any replies.

I hope everyone is doing well, its nice to know I am not alone.

30-08-12, 17:11
Hi it sounds like typical cit side effects which can be quite nasty for the first week or so, what dose are you on? It might help if you half the tablets for a few days, good luck x x

30-08-12, 17:15
That sounds exactly like what happened with me for the first 4/5 days. What dose are you on? After a few days it should settle down. I would give it a few more days, and see if things start to settle.

30-08-12, 17:43
Hi it sounds like typical cit side effects which can be quite nasty for the first week or so, what dose are you on? It might help if you half the tablets for a few days, good luck x x

That sounds exactly like what happened with me for the first 4/5 days. What dose are you on? After a few days it should settle down. I would give it a few more days, and see if things start to settle.

Really appreciate you guys leaving a reply,

It makes me feel a little more at ease knowing it can happen.

They started me on 10mgs so my body can get used to it, I thought that was a very low dose from what I have read online and the way I have been feeling I wanted something stronger.. But if the 10mgs make me feel like this well I dont think I want to go higher at the moment lol. They was going to start on 20mg but decided to start on 10.

Thanks Nicola & Laura x

30-08-12, 18:03
10mg is the usual starting dose, it can be rough going the first couple of weeks but cit is a fab AD and when i was on it it gave me my life back :) xx

30-08-12, 18:38
10mg is the usual starting dose, it can be rough going the first couple of weeks but cit is a fab AD and when i was on it it gave me my life back :) xx

It's nice to hear it works for some people, I pray after a couple of weeks these horrible feelings go away and it starts to work for me.
I'm not looking for an instant lift as I know these things take time to work but at the same time I am very worried it will not work and I will just have all these side effects and nothing else. I am also scared as I have heard from a lot of people including my doc it can make your depression and anxiety worse b4 it starts to work (really scary as I do not want to feel worse) I want to be myself again, I want to be the happy guy I once was before this illness attacked me. I know I can and I know I will because I know its just the illness locking the real me away for a while. (thats how I like to look at it anyways)

Its fantastic news that it gave you your life back and I am extremely happy for you. :yahoo:


little scientist
30-08-12, 18:50
I want to be the happy guy I once was before this illness attacked me. I know I can and I know I will because I know its just the illness locking the real me away for a while. (thats how I like to look at

My god, you just summed my feelings up. I want to be the person I was about 8 years ago, carefree, happy and not ill like this. I just want ME back.

30-08-12, 18:51
They can make you feel worse before you get better but alot of docs will prescribe diazepam to help you with this, it might be worth asking if you start feeling really bad xx

30-08-12, 19:09
This is exactly how I felt when I first started taking cit and I was on 10mg too, I felt kind of empty and slightly sad like you do on a comedown. Rest assured though most of that fades within a few weeks although I do still suffer from the teeth grinding.

I think you just need to persevere with them, but I hope you start to feel better soon! :)

30-08-12, 19:46
i was put straight onto 20mg and been on for 2 weeks now. I still have the teeth grinding but everything else has gone. I have noticed a slight raise in my anxiety levels, and im a bit anxious in some situatons that i never was before but i just tell myself its the tablets not me and i can overcome it.

Hope you feel better soon!

31-08-12, 22:53
Hi, I had an absolute nightmare going straight onto 20mg of citalopram. With hindsight I am better equipped to cope with some of them now but back then I was in a living hell. My anxiety went through the roof and I could barely eat or sleep.

I had migraines and nausea too and those, along with the massive bump in anxiety, were side effects that eventually made the medication intolerable.

I switched to mirtazapine about 6 months ago and all the horrible side effects vanished. Unfortunately mirt makes you enjoy food so much I've gained two stone!

Every med has side effects unfortunately. Most of them do go away; if they don't, you aren't cut out for that med, so speak to your doctor.

EDIT: I sincerely hope you don't use ecstasy while on citalopram. God only knows what would happen if you combine the two.

01-09-12, 11:57
EDIT: I sincerely hope you don't use ecstasy while on citalopram. God only knows what would happen if you combine the two.

I foolishly have done this before and it wasn't pleasant, the cit actually cancels out the E completely so you just feel the negative effects of the drug, cold sweats, dry mouth etc. I felt terrible the next day and I was worried the entire time thinking how dangerous it probably was so I would never ever do it again.