View Full Version : Just flown home and panic is getting bad

27-07-06, 16:19
I'm in a bit of a fix. I've flown thousands of miles, over three days, from the UK to Sydney to spend a few weeks with my parents. I'm here, it's the middle of the night and I am just doubling over with anxiety.
I made it through the flight - nursing all the panicy moments with the reassuring thought of finally being home - and even ventured around in LA during my stopover.

But now I'm safely here I'm just quietly going to pieces. My panic attacks started 2 years ago, not long before I left for England. I just wanted to be normal again for my parents but I am going to end up being just as bad, if not worse. And my partner is flying out to join me in two weeks too - I'm terrified I'm going to ruin his trip with my anxiety. I can just see this endless stretch of sleepless nights ahead of me with everyone disappointed in me and asking what's wrong.

27-07-06, 16:32
Hey Louisey give yourself a break!! You just got on a plane and flew around the world - that would be enough to disorientate and upset anyone but all that travelling and having anxiety too? You have done amazingly well - treat it like it's a part of jet lag, you need to give yourself time to recover. You know the anxiety is all brought on by negative thoughts and you have them in abundance at the moment, what if this.... what if that..... just BE. Try and stop thinking about what you think people will think of you and just see what happens, I bet you'll be surprised. I expect your family will be so excited to have you home again.

Give yourself a few days to chill out after all the travelling and enjoy your trip home.

Keep everyone posted here with your progress!

27-07-06, 16:51
Ah, such words of wisdom from a Louise! Very good to hear. You're right, of course, and I had a very similar experience like this when I first moved to the UK. The intensity of the feelings are just so horrible, though, it's a such a fight to challenge them and the onslaught of negative thoughts. I also get so impatient with myself - coming home reminds me I inherited Mum's anxiety and Dad's impatience, teehee! Thanks for the invite to keep the board posted, it's something that helps me feel better.
By the way - no heat wave in Sydney, quite the opposite, but it is forecast to get warmer very soon. Which mean the opressive UK heat should be easing up. Hopefully after this summer more places in Britain are going to install air conditioning, it's just not fair on the human race otherwise!

Will Loynes
27-07-06, 17:17
Hey Louisey,
I agree with Louise, take some time to chill and get your feet back on the ground. Travelling can provoke all sorts of anxiety and leaves us very vulnerable to panic when we are fatigued.
I hope you feel more relaxed soon.


27-07-06, 21:04
and heres me panicing about a weeks camping in dorset!!! WELL DONE for getting there and give it a few days and im sure you will be fine!!! keep us posted and happy hols!!! all the best kaz

28-07-06, 05:25

Hey there! I hope your doing better now..

First off I want to say you've done something to be proud of you got ON a plane.. flew all the way to Australia.. that is a big accomplishment in the world of panic.

Secondly don't stress yourself out over disappointing people or being normal sweetie.. I'm sure your parents are thrilled to see you either way.. Do they know you have anxiety issues? sometimes it's better to be up front and frank with the people we love it makes things around us more stable and we worry less about what they will think if we do have an attack.. and surprisingly most people are really good handling someone panicing when they understand why they are panicing as well.

You also have to figure your probally tired that was a long trip.. and I'm sure an exciting/anxious one as well.. I know I get particulary jumpy when I fly so give yourself a few days and see how you feel then =)

But seriously you've done really well I'm sure there are alot of us that couldn't even dream about getting on a plane.. So congradulations on that.. Just stay positive and keep telling yourself your doing good and you can keep on doing it.. Things will turn out just wonderful =)
