View Full Version : i sometimes hate my height

30-08-12, 17:33
i get stick for being short and i hate it yesterday did go ok but i heard some people say there short people as my sister is also the same height i just hate it it put me down every time i hear someone talking about me i got no confidants as it is thats another reason why i dont leave the house cos i cant take people whispering or they say it and i hear it and i.m in ear reach its upsetting i.m 5ft 6 and my sister is 5ft 5 i just feel like a freak it takes courage just to leave the house then when i do i get people like that it makes me mad i cant help i.m short i was born this way lol

30-08-12, 17:52
Like you said, you were born this way. If people don't like you or take the mickey out of you for a pathetic reason like that, then they are not worth your time. Ignore the nasty comments because they are clearly people that are so bored with their lives, they have to make snide remarks about your height. Ignore them, you are who you are and should be proud of your height :)

megan xx

30-08-12, 18:55
"We grow until we are perfect, but some people reach perfection a lot faster" :D

30-08-12, 19:13
5" 6 is no way short for a woman I am only a little bit over 5" now that is short lol

I have just looked it up and this is what i found was the average height for a female in the uk...... 163.7cm (5' 4.4")

so you are definitely above average and NOT short

30-08-12, 19:15
I am only 5' 4" so you are actually tall!

30-08-12, 19:27
I'm 4ft 10 - which is a complete nightmare trying to buy clothes as even petite is too long!

You are NOT short by any stretch of the imagination. Sorry to say, but this is a thought you have in your mind which is in no way true.

you have a whole 8 inches on me....damn I'm jealous!

30-08-12, 19:28
haha I'm 5'1" ... my mother was only 4'10" so I'm just glad I made it this far :)

30-08-12, 19:45
i didn't see that - I'm 5.6 and the tallest of my friends! :shrug:

30-08-12, 21:40
I have the opposite problem I'm 5ft 11ins. Dare I say it but feeling self conscious about our height might be to do with low self esteem. Stick your shoulders out and breathe inhale and exhale slowly. Are you feeling any better? You can also wear heels which I can't but I'm past worrying about my height. EJ.

31-08-12, 07:31
5ft 6 definitely isn't short for a woman, it is above average.If you look at it this way, if you go out wearing 4" heels, that would make you 5ft 10, which is taller than most men.

Most of my female friends are probably around 5ft - 5ft 6, so it is quite a normal height, in fact the only one I can think of who is taller is 5ft 10 and she won't wear heels out as she says it makes her look like a tranny !

31-08-12, 07:38
Hi Gem, 5'6 is tall to me. I'm only 5'1. People do comment but it really doesn't bother me - I am who I am! xx

31-08-12, 10:10
It's no fun being 6ft4, trousers are always too short, shirt arms are the same. The chronic back pain and joint aches that go with it as well - i would be happy to be 5ft10! (I was when I was 13).

On another note, my gf is only 5ft2 so we do look very odd together.

31-08-12, 10:19
im a little shorty 4'10 and sometimes it drives me mad when people want to measure how tiny i am but most of the time i like being little :D

31-08-12, 16:33
thanks for your replys all u guys have made me feel abit more better if i hear people comment on my height i should just ignore them but sometimes its hard too as i do take afence easy in this world we get people what judge i know but some how i got to learn how to deal with it i suppose cos i heard people say its made me weaker and i start to believe and then i put myself down at the end of the day people who say things about other people are just bullies they just say it to make them self feel better i guess i just got to learn to ignore it i never used to care what people think now i do my confidants is so low i guess i.m putting my self down alot too i guess i got to learn to love myself again as i dont really like myself guess i got to learn to love me again cos at the mo i hate myself lol