View Full Version : Bruise on inside of elbow?

30-08-12, 18:00
I've just noticed I've got a small bruise on the inside of my elbow. It looks like where I've had a blood test except I haven't and even when I do have blood tests it doesn't bruise me! I'm worried!

30-08-12, 18:04
Have you been carrying heavy shopping bags in the crook of your elbow this happens to me kind of like a blood blister ? It will be from something pinching the area I'm sure x

30-08-12, 18:12
Thank you. I was carrying a bag with pepsi in it earlier. Maybe that done it? Thanks, feel bit better now, kept thinking it was blood poisoning! Hate anxiety!

30-08-12, 18:16
Me too !! No probs i freaked when it happened to me too

30-08-12, 18:41
Awww I feel better now thank you xx

31-08-12, 09:32
I have a similar few bruises at the moment that were freaking me out. I have a small cluster on the inside of my left bicep muscle and one on my right forearm. Naturally I panicked about them until I remembered that I had carried a heavy flatpack wardrobe upstairs that was jamming into my arms. I have also been wearing a tennis elbow strap too tightly on my right arm just where the bruise is.

If we think carefully about what we've been doing, then any marks we find on our bodies are usually very harmless.

31-08-12, 11:49
I had a huge, weird shaped bruise on my thigh last week and I couldn't think how I'd got it. Then I remembered my cousins dog kept jumping up on my lap and had left it's pawprint embedded on me!
Then I noticed another bruise on my other leg. My other half was playfully prodding my leg one night (he was being annoying :mad:) and this was the result! Talk about domestic abuse :roflmao:!!

I bruise so easily and half the time I don't know where I get them from. Absolutely nothing to worry about Cassy! xx