View Full Version : Problems swallowing and breathing.

27-07-06, 18:37
Hi there. I have been suffering fro anxiety for 3 months now and my symptoms have ranged from IBS to headaches to vomiting and now my chest and throat are hurting.
My throat just seems to ache all the time and now the pain has gone into my chest and neck. I can eat ok as long as i focus on what i am doing and do not eat too quickly but i do find i get a full feeling in my chest when i eat and feel out of breath which seems very odd to me. I also suffer from acid reflux. I wondered if anybody else has had these symptoms? I would be SO happy to hear from other sufferers. Today the dr told me he was going to send me to an ear nose and throat specialist purely to satisfy my mind that there is nothing wrong with me. I am feeling very scared about this.
Thanks for reading.

polly daydream
27-07-06, 18:47
Hi Ballandalloch and welcome to the forum. You might like to go to introductions and introduce yourself, members of the forum can then welcome you properly.

Best wishes,


27-07-06, 18:54
Hi there, sorry you are having such a rough time at the moment. As you say the reason your doc is referring you on is, simply, to re-assure you....As for eating, I believe, if you try not ro make too much fuss, what i usually do when i feel like that is make something easy to eat...pasta/salads etc and watch something on tv or come on this site, i know it is not ideal, but if it distracts you and you manage to eat a little, so be it. With the acid reflux, you can buy remedies from the chemist that may help? Most of your symptoms sound very familar to me (oh dear!) but they are related to anxiety. sorry not of much use, but jut to let you know you are not alone with these feelings. xxx

27-07-06, 18:55
Hi there and welcome to the forum :)
I am sorry that you are having a hard time right now. I'm sure you will find alot of great info and a bunch of really supportive people here.

27-07-06, 19:02
Thanks everybody. Already i feel a bit more comfortable just hearing from others who know how im feeling. Partners and friends can be so kind (and mine are) but at the end of the day, it is just you who is suffering with the symptoms. Thanks again.

28-07-06, 22:15
hey, don't feel scared, at least it will gove you the proof you need that you're ok. and i have had full in the chest feelings before. i also constantly feel hard to breathe, and i've been living purely off of beans, bread, and rice crispies because of my fear of choking. i've had anxiety for 5 months now. don't worry hun xXx.

"Everything's good in the end, if it's not good, it's not the end!!!"

28-07-06, 22:37
Have u read all the throat problem posts?

Acid reflux is very common and very painful but medication helps.


02-08-06, 17:45
Hi there
I am finding my way round the site and havent found too many throat posts yet but im guessing there will be many. Thanks again to everybody for answering.