View Full Version : Can gas really cause this much discomfort and pain?

31-08-12, 00:37
I've been really massively bloated now for a couple of days and got a pinching feeling just above my belly button. I know that's where the colon is but I'm worried and debating whether or not to go to A&E.

Can IBS spasms be like that?

31-08-12, 00:45
Yes it is very painful but no need for A&E really.

Sounds like trapped wind maybe

31-08-12, 01:00
I deal with problems with the bowels most days with my clients, sounds pretty normal IBS symptoms, if it carries on over the weekend then a trip to the docs should be on the cards for monday.

Unless you were in serious pain or any bleeding, i wouldn't suggest A&E.

If it gets bad do you have a drop-in-centre that you can call on like we have here?

31-08-12, 01:14
Thanks for the replies. It's hard to describe really - I looked up the location and it seems to stretch mostly from the right of the upper colon to the right. It just feels tight and like its being pinched. I did over-do the laxatives a few days ago so that well may be the cause.

31-08-12, 01:17
laxatives will cause all sorts of pains as well so maybe cut down on them