View Full Version : Prozac and drinking

31-08-12, 02:33
I was just wondering what everyone's opinions and of mixing the two together? I'm interested how it affects you. I know that mixing depressant with anti depressant is obviously not a good thing. But how does it make you feel? Do you do it?

31-08-12, 10:15
Hi Tyler
I am new to prozac, been on it 3 weeks now and i went away drinking on a hen do last week, i felt fine at the time but had a major down day the next day which resulted in a panic attack so dont think i will be doing it again for awhile! kind of miss afew drinks though...!

31-08-12, 11:29
I don't drink much anyway (I'm a rubbish drunk, I just get sad ;) ). Have decided to cut it out completely whilst on meds to get the best results I can.

31-08-12, 14:56
I used to drink (a lot at times) on prozac in the past with no apparent ill effects. This time I'm taking more care of myself though so I'm limiting my alcohol intake (and caffeine intake for that matter). I guess a small drink would probably be ok, but if you can avoid it completely, even better.