View Full Version : Starting new job on monday, very nervous

31-08-12, 08:49
I am starting a new job on monday. Ive been out of work for a month or so now & feel anxious I won't be able to settle back into working life again.
I really like being at home & not having pressures on me a day however I know I need an income of course. Its a catch 22 situation.
I feel as though I won't live up to expectations & im concerned that my anxieties will get the better of me. Which they have in every other job I've been in.
It's making my anxiety symptoms raise their ugly heads again
Any advice or tips?

31-08-12, 15:54
And now to make matters worse I feel like I have a sore throat/ear infection coming on with chills - I'm in a panicking state, what if I'm ill for my first day?! Never a good impression, christ, why do these things happen to me?!

31-08-12, 16:09
Have you got something to take for your cold?xx

31-08-12, 16:11
Maybe you 're expecting too much of yourself just relax and do your best thats all you can do good luck Denise xx:)

31-08-12, 16:57
Have you got something to take for your cold?xx

I haven't really, what do you think i should take?
I can't believe my luck :(

31-08-12, 17:46
Hi get some hot lemon drinks add honey to it also and take it before you sleep tonight that always works for me, I also squeeze a whole fresh orange into it for add vit C. Starting anywhere is tough but worse for people with anxiety problems. I'm sure youll meet some friendly people who will help you on your first week, you obviously are liked as you got the job in the first place. Good luck

31-08-12, 20:01
It's totally natural to have anticipatory and first day nerves, everyone does, so try not to worry. Also dose yourself up against a cold, and try to get a couple of early nights over the weekend to give your body the best chance to fight it off.
Good luck, we'll be thinking of you :)

31-08-12, 21:09
Good luck with your new job. :) It's always nerve-wracking starting a new job. I remember when I started at my current workplace a couple of years ago, I was nervous (especially about whether my colleagues would be nice), but once I'd got there and settled in I really enjoyed it. The first day (especially the first morning) is always the worst, then it gets better. The people at my workplace are all friendly, which helps too.

31-08-12, 21:19
Best of luck for Monday, I'm sure you'll soon settle in. New jobs are always a bit scary at first for everyone, stick with it, you'll be fine. :hugs: x.