View Full Version : Going round the bend and worried sick! Please help!

31-08-12, 16:10
Hi everyone,

I have generalised anxiety (and OCD) which makes me worry about everything and anything. Recently things have been good but the "health issues" have raised their ugly head again!

I can feel a pulsing senstation to the left hand side of my belly button which has been there for about 3-4 days now. My worries got the better of me 2 days ago and I spoke to my doctor on the phone. He advised me that this was normal, nothing to worry about and has prescribed me some meberverine for my IBS. My IBS is triggered by stress and I am really stressed at the moment with work and money :weep:

I have also spoken to a nurse about it where I work and she laughed (not in a nasty way) when I told her that I thought it was an aortic anuresym. :roflmao:

I still think it is an aneurysmn and that I am going to die overnight! Someone please help me as I can't function properly at the moment.
