View Full Version : Bordem = Anxiety

31-08-12, 16:26
I've been unemployed since January and since then have realised my anxiety has got worse and my health anxiety is now sky high!

I went for a job interview yesterday and for the whole hour-2 of social activities i realised not once did i panic about my health. I'm so hoping i get this job because i think it would help my anxious behaviour!

While being home everyday i find things to pick on about myself and things to panic about, distraction is fab i neeed this job!

31-08-12, 16:41
Hope it goes well for you :)

31-08-12, 16:43
Good luck, nattynatt!

31-08-12, 20:02
I think that this is the sole cause of my anxiety too - when i'm doing things i'm fine! But the build up to things and when i'm not doing things i'm awful! Good luck - Hope it all goes well for you!! xx

31-08-12, 20:05
I totally agree - I've been away from work (either sick or out of work) since the beginning of June, and I have just started to realise that my anxiety has been worse since then because I've not been distracted from it and/or haven't had that routine of something I HAVE to do each day to snap me out of it. Good luck to you, fingers crossed!

31-08-12, 21:12
Good luck, I hope you'll be offered the job! :) I too find that being kept busy helps to keep my mind off my worries. I had a job 5 years ago where there was hardly any work to do and it was terrible as I had loads of time to ruminate about my problems.