View Full Version : Day 18 - Cipalex. Surely this isn't normal

31-08-12, 18:11
Blurred vision. Numb head, staggering. Surely this isn't normal.

31-08-12, 22:29
talk to your doctor

31-08-12, 22:43
It could well be side-effects still

04-09-12, 14:50
******** to all this. I've given up. No more Cipralex! It's made me 100 times worse than I was.

05-09-12, 00:48
I'm on day 22 now and had a dip in energy, lethargy and generalised anxiety over the last week. You need to give the medication a chance to work. It is distressing at times but it is early days and just as anxiety builds up over time, there is no quick fix to relieve it. Medication helps but you need to work with it and takes steps to recover.

Eat and sleep well, be kind to yourself, ask for support when you need it, do something that relaxes you. All of these things help to minimise the impact of the side effects.

Do not withdraw as you will feel so much worse. Speak to your GP about any concerns you have.

Stick with it to give yourself the best chance of recovery. I wish you well and you are not alone in what you are going through.

05-09-12, 12:09
I have given up up since Sunday, as I was at the point of having to give up work due to it. I'm also trying to stop diazapam as it was making me too dizzy. I'm back at the docs on Tuesday. It's just not for me I'm afraid. I couldn't see any improvement at all during the 3 weeks. Just a complete downward spiral. I was unable to look after my 5 year old daughter and wasn't about to let that happen, so I had to give up. The last time I got better it was only after giving up citalopram. I just don't like letting drugs take over the way I think.