View Full Version : I can vaguely remember enjoying things

31-08-12, 18:17
What ever happened to "it's Friday - hurray", instead of I don't want to go to sleep because when I wake up I know I'm going to be so scared of what the day might bring I won't want to get up.
I remember when I looked forward to the weekend. Having a few wines on the Friday night. Taking the kids places. Going for a run. Meeting up with friends. Now I can barely go into our local shop to get a pint of milk.

God, I so wish I could go back/forward to those times. :weep:

31-08-12, 19:28
know how u feel friday used to be my drinking night wkd wine pimms etc now i cant drink as on anti d's i dont go out no more to pubs or clubs

31-08-12, 19:34
Im at that stage too. Nothing makes me feel happy anymore and i get little or no enjoyment out of life. Been given new med yday sertraline 50 mg to see if that helps. wish i cud go back to the old me. I dont know who i am anymore or what i want im so numb :(:weep:

eternally optimistic
31-08-12, 19:36

You can and you will return to those days.

I am happy in life but would love the excitement emotion come back into my life!!!

Build on your changes slowly, surely and confidently. Little steps, BIG achievements. Sometimes, we are unrealistic with what we now and it doesnt always work like that.

Make a list of what you want to achieve in a day, week or month and see what you can cross off it. Again, not worrying if you dont always make it.


Take care


31-08-12, 19:40
:hugs: Thanks Jackie ill try to remember those tips

31-08-12, 21:24
Me too, I don't truly enjoy anything anymore, I think sometimes I pretend to, but often for the sake of others.

31-08-12, 22:29
know how u feel friday used to be my drinking night wkd wine pimms etc now i cant drink as on anti d's i dont go out no more to pubs or clubs

I don't let that stop me going to pubs or clubs, I just have soft drinks nowadays instead. I never used to drink much alcohol anyway.

31-08-12, 22:46
What ever happened to "it's Friday - hurray", instead of I don't want to go to sleep because when I wake up I know I'm going to be so scared of what the day might bring I won't want to get up.
I remember when I looked forward to the weekend. Having a few wines on the Friday night. Taking the kids places. Going for a run. Meeting up with friends. Now I can barely go into our local shop to get a pint of milk.

God, I so wish I could go back/forward to those times. :weep:

Just do it. The more you retreat the worse it gets. The more u push yourself the better u become. Buy the happiness trap by Russ Harris. Has helped me so much!

01-09-12, 23:16
I completely get how you feel. I feel utter terror on waking up in the morning; fearful of how the day will unfold. Getting through each day feels like such a chore. I don't even feel like me anymore. I miss me.

What I try to do at the end of each day to keep myself positive and end the day on a good note is to make a list (you can do it mentally or write it down) of all the little things in my day that I was grateful for. Once you start you realise just how many things you have to be thankful for - even if it's just the bar of chocolate you treated yourself to or the clothes you're wearing, the roof above your head, etc. :) x

02-09-12, 09:56
I have a similar problem where I don't enjoy anything I used to anymore. I've been careful to ensure I keep pushing myself to do the things I used to enjoy to keep my life going, but there's no pleasure anymore and I feel like I'm forcing myself to do everything through a wall of exhaustion.

I'm not sure how you begin to start enjoying things again, but I tend to just remember that if I have enjoyed things once before, then I must be capable of enjoying them again, so hope is not lost!

02-09-12, 10:21
im the same totally think ive been like this for so so long ive forgot.i feel so totally down all most of the time i am on meds 20mg cipralex and prochlorperazine and occ 2mg diazepam. my problem is as soon as i wake up i instantly think what am i going to do all day. because sometime i havnt got the motivation or energy. its a big ordeal to find something to do all day. i dont work because of my illness there is only so much cleaning you can do and tobe honest i dont really want to do that. think i need a kick up the back side feels like this is the same problem day in day out. I havnt got any special hobby just tv,reading when im in the mood and maybe little gardening if weather permits.

how do you guys cope with this? and what do you do to fill your days?
if you are at home all day I am 55 and this is realy getting me down its with me as soon as i wake up thats besides all my anxiety sensations i get from the start of opening my eyes.

02-09-12, 11:07
Im at that stage too. Nothing makes me feel happy anymore and i get little or no enjoyment out of life. Been given new med yday sertraline 50 mg to see if that helps. wish i cud go back to the old me. I dont know who i am anymore or what i want im so numb :(:weep:

Hi Ive also started the new meds today. Lets see how we go on. Take care Sharon x

02-09-12, 17:15
my problem is as soon as i wake up i instantly think what am i going to do all day. how do you guys cope with this? and what do you do to fill your days? if you are at home all day I am 55 and this is realy getting me down its with me as soon as i wake up thats besides all my anxiety sensations i get from the start of opening my eyes.

I know exactly how you feel. It really does feel like there are too many hours in the day sometimes (funny how I used to feel the opposite, back when I was "normal") and it's difficult to know what to do with them. The mornings are bad for me because that's when the anxiety is at its worst, but afternoons and evenings tend to be a bit better. It's horrible when you keep looking at the clock and realising that only ten or fifteen minutes have passed since you last checked it. Time seems to pass by so slowly when you're like that. Like you said, there's only so much cleaning you can do (and when you're low you often don't feel like doing it anyway). Habe you thought about hobbies you can take up at home? Gardening is a good one but that does tend to depend on the weather, unless you have a greenhouse of course. How about baking? Arts and crafts? I've recently begun knitting and cross stitch, and that tends to make the hours go by quicker. I also do word searches, crosswords and jigsaw puzzles.

I do find it difficult to cope, but keeping yourself occupied/distracted definitely helps. Can you get out to see friends or relatives? Or even have them come and visit you? Times always goes faster when you're with other people.

Please feel free to PM me also if you ever feel like you need to talk some more about this. :)

04-09-12, 20:41
I'm the same, i hardly enjoying things these days, as someone said earlier ' i miss me' i miss the me i used to be. i like going out, but im almost afraid to, i avoid things like eating out, if i do things i am constantly worried or i have the lightheadness or the racing heart etc. i havent been able to go on a date, or do the dancing i used to do, so many things i want to do but cant. i hate waking up dreading the day ahead knowing im going to feel ill.