View Full Version : Breathing problems/pain

31-08-12, 18:37

I'm new here :) Before I go into all the details I have to admit I am a bit paranoid. I do however feel that something has not been exactly right for the past few weeks.

About 3 weeks ago I started having slight shortness of breath. I sometimes feel like I do not get enough air. This has accentuated slightly in the past week. I also feel short (and light) pain going through my chest area. This usually lasts for a few seconds, then dissapppears and comes back after another few seconds. It's on and off and these episodes seem to come randomly.

Today I somehow managed to choke and coughed really really hard. I had this massive pain going all around: front, back, sides. It just felt like everything was ripping inside me. It lasted for about 30 seconds (i was almost paralysed) and then faded away in a few minutes. A few hours later, I can still feel some pain at the top of my chest and back when inhaling a lot of air.

To top my day off, I have suddenly started having pain in my right armpit. There are no visible bumps or anything. It is just sore when I put light pressure on it. I have no idea if it's connected.

I'm in my mid twenties and I'd much rather spent my time doing something else then worrying.. anyone knows what this might be?

cheers :)

03-09-12, 07:24
Its sounds familiar to me. It seems like it comes and goes and can be really worrying because its in the chest area. I sometimes get short of breath for what seems like no reason and then after a while I forget about it and seem to breath normally.

The pain and the breathing dont appear to be linked to any strenuous activity but just appear every now and again. I find that I can get them on and off for a few days and then they go away for awhile.

Sometimes in the past when I have sneezed and it has sent a ache right through the top half of my body like all the muscles have seized. It only lasts a matter of seconds but I have had it for many years now. I guess it happens when my muscles are already tense.

I am thinking that it is just as a result of the tension that is applied to all the muscles in the region and after a while they just start to ache. We may not even realize the tension we are causing to our muscles.

You can get used to some of the sensations but then there is always a new one that may be slightly different and that starts the whole process off again.

Be kind to yourself and try to let them just come and go. Easier said than done.