View Full Version : Applied for a job!

31-08-12, 19:58
Well, after the horrendous time I had at the end of my last job (which brought on this panic/anxiety), the horrible week I had while my family were away on holiday, and having to cancel my own holiday because of panic I've taken a positive step today and applied for a new job :shades: It's only part-time (I don't think I could manage full-time work again yet), and I don't suppose I'll get it or even get an interview, but I feel quite calm about the idea of it at the moment so that's a step in the right direction at least :)

31-08-12, 20:00
Well done =) positive steps! Keep it up! =) xxx

31-08-12, 21:23
Well done Elle-Kay. You've made a huge step in the right direction. You should be proud of yourself. :hugs:

31-08-12, 22:05
Well done, I hope you get an interview. Let us know what happens. :)

31-08-12, 22:28
Fantastic :yahoo:just keep positive.

You can do it

di x

01-09-12, 10:35
Thanks guys :)

02-09-12, 12:43
fantastic! what's the job? x

02-09-12, 13:00
It's "only" as a part-time library assistant, but it's work, and it's local :)

02-09-12, 13:05
Working in a library sounds good actually. I've already got a job, but if I didn't, then working in a library is the sort of thing I'd be happy to do, because I like learning from books. :)

02-09-12, 13:16
Me too Sparkle. I finished my 3rd course at Uni' earlier this year (an MA this time), so I've plenty of experience of USING a library! :D

02-09-12, 13:25
I used to want to work in a library when I was little, it sounds like an ideal job for someone who deals with anxieties, it is quiet, you can get into your own routine and you can always go hide somewhere quiet for a moment if you need to collect your thoughts or calm down. What a big step you have taken in applying for it, I really hope that you get an interview