View Full Version : Doctors!!!

27-07-06, 19:56
ok saw my gp..
i have this feeling of 'fullness' in my head..really strange feeling like not being quite right...i know i have suffered panic atttacks and was put on cipralex without any discussion about symptoms...sent me over as i have written in another thread..
gps just do not take this seriously enough...even the cbt i had to pay for without any direction or help from the gp...he just looks at me and makes me feel that i shouldn't be wasting his time..
i've had enough am gonna change but just get the feeling that gps do not either know what to do or dont really want to bother..his advice TRY AND RELAX!!
am i alone in slamming my head againt a brick wall when it comes to doctors? and is this symptom specific to anxiety?

27-07-06, 20:43
Hi there :)
I know what you mean. When I first went to a doc about my anxiety symptoms he told me I needed to get a hobby. What a ...... jerk (cleaned that up - aren't you proud of me -lol)
I went in and interviewed several different docs before I found one that didn't write me off as soon as I said I had anxiety. It was pretty funny looking back seeing a docs reaction when I walked in with a notebook and pen and started asking questions. But you know you really have to trust your doc and if they look at you like your a loon everytime you go in the office then what's the point??!!
You're definitely not alone in this and I am sorry that you are having to go thru it at all.

polly daydream
27-07-06, 22:22
Hi Evenflow, I am very lucky as I now have a good dr who is caring and understanding but I have had some dr's that have been really non understanding and have looked at me like I am mental. The head symtom you are describing does sound like a symtom of anxiety, I too get it. I really do suggest that you change dr's asap and get one that is going to take you seriously, just remember you do pay your taxis and are entitled to class 1 treatment, sometimes I feel like reminding these dr's who pays there wages.

Take care,


28-07-06, 22:01
yeah i know what you mean. i rang my gp, who knows i have anxiety, and wanted her to come round and give me a check up, i have agrophobia and cant go into the surgery. all she said was there shouldnt be anything wrong with yoou at your age when your a bit better you can come into the surgery and have one. it was like thanks that helps!!! xxx.

"Everything's good in the end, if it's not good, it's not the end!!!"

29-07-06, 08:02
I recently went to see a new doctor who was quite friendly and chatty at first. Then I plucked up courage to mention the social anxieties (which I found really hard to do) and it was as if this mask of "Uh-oh, here we go" came down over his face.
Having taken so long to broach the subject in the first place, I found this really humiliating and spent the next five minutes or so sitting there feeling totally stupid & partly wishing I'd kept my mouth shut!
There also followed a few awkward silences and he eventually suggested that he could refer me for counselling..........but followed it up by saying 'but if I refer you, will you actually turn up?'
Mmmmm....cos that made me feel better!![V]
It felt as though he'd fished around for this suggestion just to conclude the appointment and get me out of his office.
I know there are many sympathetic doctors out there but I don't think I'd add his name to the list, no wonder so many people suffer in silence.


29-07-06, 10:54
Hi all

Its awful when a GP is less than sympathetic to our plight. I left my old surgery when i was told to do yoga and was given a prescription and told to give the tablets to my mum so i wouldnt take them all at once!!

My new surgery has a few of those - i was once told if i dont take tablets theres nothing more can be done. So.. I went through all of the GP's until i found one who just understood. I wasnt looking for sympathy as much as empathy and understanding. She is fab. It may be that I get on her nerves and she is sick of seeing me, but she never shows it lol! She listens, explains, offers suggestions, reassures and congratulates when small targets are reached.

I have always been afraid that I would be palmed off with 'its anxiety' whenever I have symptoms of something. She asked if she had ever done that before? answer: no! She also said they need to satisfy themselves aswell as us patients that all is OK.

I also think that GP's know a little about lots of things but not necessarily a lot about particular things. And as we all know anxiety is one hell of a complicated condition to have! By finding this website you are already looking to help yourself and I think we all need to do that as well as have GP support.

I suggest if you arent happy with any of the GP's there - change surgery until you find someone you are comfortable with. Its YOUR health and you deserve the service that is right for you.

PS. full head, unsteadiness, lightheadedness - YES YES YES - all of them and most of the time too!!!

best of luck and a good day to all

julie x