View Full Version : Scaring myself silly I've got DVT

31-08-12, 21:53
Ive been a bit paranoid about dvt since starting the pill to help my heavy periods, 2 months ago.

I do feel jumpy with leg pain thinking its dvt but all night I've really worried myself.

It started like an ache down the front of my left thigh, knee, shin and toes. Then at about 6pm I started with stabbing pain on the inside of my leg, half way down my thigh on left. Just random stabs/shooting pain, I can go 5-10 minutes with nothing then it strikes. My left thigh at front does feel achy constantly though.

I've been so worried its a dvt as I know you can get them in your thigh. It's my biggest fear about going on the pill but my go reassured me I'd be ok as it's very low dose, I'm slim etc....

Leg looks fine but I'm terrified pain will get worse and by morning I'll be swollen:(((

Can anyone help reassure me? What a night in having, not nice at all. I'd been to my gp this afternoon to chat about my man dying and he's referred me for bereavement counselling. Then I come home and this starts:/

---------- Post added at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ----------

I meant my nan dying, not man.

31-08-12, 22:04
Hey there. I have answered to these kind of posts before, as I have had first hand experience, I have had a DVT, in my calf 8 years ago. Yes you can get them in the thigh but to be honest even though an effect from the pill is DVT it's very rare and it's usually only if you already have underlying blood related illnesses, had prolonged bed rest or been on a long haul flight. The mini pill is usually given to those who may be at a higher risk.
I would advise that if the pain is really bad, hot to touch and red, or swollen then phone NHS direct for adivce. I'm sure that this is nothing to worry about but it could set your mind at rest if you speak to someone.

31-08-12, 22:09
Thank you. I appreciate your reply.

Can I ask if it was very painful? And did you have swelling pretty quickly? My husband said the pain would be unbearable and I'd swell up.

My leg looks fine.

01-09-12, 08:46
I'm still anxious today:( 3 hours sleep thanks to anxiety.

No swelling or redness, pulse gone etc... So hubby says I'm fine but I'm still having random stabbing pain in thigh and behind knee so I keep worrying:/