View Full Version : Hi from me

01-09-12, 01:09
Hello to all, Managed to stumble upon your site after searching around the internet

After trying medicine from the doctor and even paying for therapy i am still in the same boat and hope to sort my situation out and live my life like i used to

Been suffering panic attacks and anxiety for many years now

01-09-12, 01:21
Hi Shaneb

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-09-12, 01:26
Hello hun, it's lovely to have you here on NMP with us:)
I'm sorry that you're suffering with panic and anxiety. I too have suffered with it for years now so I know how you feel hun.
I'm sure you will find loads of information, help and support here, I know that I do:) It's so nice to be able to chat to like minded people who know what you're going through.
Looking forward to seeing you around hun.
:welcome: :hugs:

01-09-12, 12:46
Many thanks for the warm welcome

Finding a site like this will hopefully be a part of recovery as i can chat to people about my situation with out feeling embarrassed and people with the similar symptoms

A bit more info about myself:
Single 35 - Last relationship ended after many years and my situation was a BIG part in the ending, Not being able to restaurants or for a drink made living in the house hell
Got 2 wonderful kids at 3 and 4 who i adore and see twice a week :-)

Anything else just ask or PM me :-)

Again many thanks for the welcome and hope to stay around a while

01-09-12, 13:02
Hello & Welcome
do u think your problems make it difficult to have a relationship?

01-09-12, 13:11
I do think its difficult Sharon

Many people do not understand anxiety and what people go through when they have it
Many brush it off and say "you will be fine", But as many here will know, This is not the case

As stated above, My last relationship ended after 8 years and my issues had a very big part in that

Not being able to go out for meals or even to friends houses made a big impact on our social lives and all we did was argue about it, So finding someone who actaully understands what we go through is, I dare say, Going to be very hard

Finding this site brought a smile to my face as its somewhere i can speak about it all with out feeling embarrassed and knowing, I am not alone on here and can speak openly about it


01-09-12, 18:14
Hi, I'm new too :)

01-09-12, 21:00
Hi Scrumptious, Thanks and Hi to you also