View Full Version : Hypochondriac problem

01-09-12, 11:51
:weep: hi everyone, i'm probably the biggest hypochondriac on the planet... i'm only 17 and i've been tested for: colon cancer, HIV/AIDS, brain tumours, lung cancer, liver cancer, Leukemia, Lupus, Various neurological disorders and a bit more... so now that you've got that in the picture.

From when I wake up, I start thinking "What hurts..? does this hurt? is that a lump? i need to see a doctor tomorrow"
I think my doctor is sick of me by the way :huh:

as soon as i get up and im thinking about it, i start feeling dizzy, this feelings lasts until I go to bed, it's worse when I stand up of course, but it feels like im losing my insanity... the only way im keeping myself sane is on the internet, where i can distract my brain. but i still get all the symptoms i think i have.. when i think i have colon cancer, the slightest lump or abdominal pain will send me to the doctor..
One night i woke up at 3 in the morning shivering uncontrollably and gasping for breath. i rushed to the ER. after 8 hours in the hospital and various tests (They did a heart/lung x-ray. everything came back okay), they said I was fine and sent me home with a 9 day supply of .50 MG Xanax .
the xanax actually did a pretty good job, although it made me kind of high.. which i didn't like (I used to smoke marijuana). i'm just tired of all this.. and i wish i was back to 'normal' me. i would appreciate life so much more... i'm ruining my life over this, and i'm ONLY 17.
I have college starting spring 2013... and it couldn't be here any slower if it tried...

what should/can i do to distract myself from everything? i randomly panic over the smallest things and i've near-passed out (feeling where you're going down a rollercoaster) over stupid things. My anxiety doesn't make me think rationally and it's completely taken over my life.. the anxiety is winning. and i don't know how to stop it.

01-09-12, 12:07
moved to health anxiety you will get more answer here

01-09-12, 12:08
Hey Devyn, do you have skype or facebook I can add you on so we can talk in more detail?

01-09-12, 12:39
Hey Devyn, do you have skype or facebook I can add you on so we can talk in more detail?

Jessyhai1 is my skype. thankyou!

01-09-12, 13:28
Hi Devyn....

I wish i had the answer for you...i would be a millionare...

I too suffer on a daily basis and have various symptoms...i used to go and see my GP about things alot and have just given up as its always 'its just anxiety' he has never offered me any tests so in my mind i just never know...

Hope your ok?


01-09-12, 15:24
Hi Devyn....

I wish i had the answer for you...i would be a millionare...

I too suffer on a daily basis and have various symptoms...i used to go and see my GP about things alot and have just given up as its always 'its just anxiety' he has never offered me any tests so in my mind i just never know...

Hope your ok?


I guess I am for now.. i just hate coping with this.