View Full Version : Question about choking

01-09-12, 13:20
As in my posts i have said last about having to take this amoxicillin tablets, they are huge!! anyway i have trouble swallowing tablets but im doing my best with these.

When i am taking them i manage to take them with water and goes to back of my throar, after that feels like its very slowly going down or stuck half way down.

Question is... can you choke after swallowing something? Or if i was going to choke through it would it happen when i first go to swallow, i mean i havnt got a cough and i can stil talk, yet i can feel it going slowly, like its turned width ways and got stuck. its uncomfortable but i wont choke and die? If that makes sense?

01-09-12, 13:25

I know what you mean about large tablets...Seems like you could be maybe tense about taking them....try relaxing before you take one...I def dont think you will choke on one


02-09-12, 03:57
Your food pipe and airway are completely separate, so once it's gone down and you can feel it, even though it's uncomfortable, you can't choke.

02-09-12, 04:22
Are they tablets ir capsules?
Both melt away so it couldn't harm you.
When a pill gets stuck I eat some bread to push it down and I drink milk with tablets as it seems to help them down.
If its still stuck try some warm tea.

I once fell asleep with a pill stuck in my throat lol I woke up with really bad heart burn so it's best to use some food like bread instead of letting it sit in your throat .

A pill is much too small to cause any problems.
When people choke on things it's usually on things like a big piece of unchewed meat , never on little things such as tablets which will also melt away :)

02-09-12, 09:21
Know what you mean - Just make sure after you swallow the magic pill you keep drinking to wash it down, not just the one mouth full that it takes to swallow it and you'll be good...

I am not great with tablets either, have to tilt my head back flick it to the back of my mouth and try to swallow more than once some times :-(
- When I was a child I struggled to take them and they were put in sandwiches sometimes - not advised, horrible (bad memory).. so that is where the issue comes from with me lol...

I just drink the liquid and keep gulping a few good gulps of fluid after and all is well - maybe the anxiety is giving a bit of a dry mouth + throat constriction.. try and swallow some drink before you take it too..

you'll be fine :-) x