View Full Version : Hyperventilation My Arse Or Is It

01-09-12, 16:43

I get Numbness and tingling around my left cheek and mouth area and sometimes tongue but only on the left side, Light headed and chest pains also burp.

So my Doctor tells me it my panic attacks caused by hyperventilating BUT how can I be my breath rate is aroun 12-15pm at the time it happens I have checked, It is happening right now and I am breath as sweet as a pea not shallow or fast just right.

So how can this be hyperventilating it can't be can it ???????:wacko:

This is happening to me everyday sometimes for hours I keep asking my wife if my face looks ok and checking the mirror in case I am having a stroke it is driving me MAD.

Any replys :welcome: that can make see common sense would be great.

02-09-12, 12:27
Hello. I don't fully understand it either but you're Doctor's right, it is a result of anxiety and hyperventilation. I suppose it might not be just the speed of breath but also how your body is processing each breath too.

16-11-12, 02:50
Happens to me too. Anxiety can happen while asleep. You wake up more scared because you know you can't be anxious!

08-12-12, 12:35
You can over breath or under breath. I breath shallow more than fast.
Both cause symtoms

08-12-12, 19:03
If your b12 is low or if you've been taking high dosages making it too high it can cause numbness n tingling.

The other thing, TMJ look it up! It can cause the same symptoms as there's a nerve in your jaw that can get irrated.
Look out for clenching your jaw when stressed.

When was your last full dental X-ray ? Any problems with your teeth can irrate the nerves in your jaw too.

It may be due to hyperventaltion but usually there's numbness in the hands too.

Just my take on it.

11-12-12, 16:36
If your b12 is low or if you've been taking high dosages making it too high it can cause numbness n tingling.

The other thing, TMJ look it up! It can cause the same symptoms as there's a nerve in your jaw that can get irrated.
Look out for clenching your jaw when stressed.

When was your last full dental X-ray ? Any problems with your teeth can irrate the nerves in your jaw too.

It may be due to hyperventaltion but usually there's numbness in the hands too.

Just my take on it.

Hi Anxious gal.
My last dental x-ray was last year and the dentist seen it and sent it away to the hospital as he thought it was a wisdom tooth pressing onto the nerve but then the dental team at the hospital did a mri and it showed that was not the case.

So they said it could be a mild form of trigeminal neuralgia aka the suicide disease (God I hope not).

But I have been on pregabalin for near on a year to treat nerve pain and anxiety and that has helped so far.

12-12-12, 19:43
I can just see that: "Ah, it's probably a spot of suicide disease. Here's a lollipop."

Bear in mind "suicide disease" is the media name for it to make it sound awful and scary. This is the same media who said we'd all be dead by now thanks to baseless and irresponsible swine flu scares a few years back. So put the ridiculously overblown nickname from your mind, it doesn't apply to you.

Hyperventilating does usually refer to "over-breathing", but you can get the same symptoms if you experience tightness in the chest along with an anxiety attack. This leaves you with all the same symptoms without super-rapid breathing. I had hyperventilation symptoms a few years ago. I never once noticed myself breathing too fast, it was more like I just wasn't taking quite enough air in.

Do you suffer from migraines and headaches? They can cause a "fuzzy", numb feeling on just one side, and they don't always progress to flashing lights and days of agony!

14-12-12, 12:23
Hi PsychoPoet.

Yeah I understand the Press like to over state everything Suicide Disease, Swine Flu and the list goes on. I'm still trying think which is better white or brown bread "have till wait till the papers tell me next"

Yeah I do get massive Headaches and head tenderness on one side mainly over the left temple, They can last all day and sometimes start as soon as I wake-up. Think I may book an appointment to see the optician maybe that could be a problem as I have noticed a bling spot in my left eye (only out of the corner).
I know my headaches and facial numbness are not from a tumour or anything like that as I had a head mri done last year by the maxillofacial Team and the emailed me that the results were Normal.

But they did comeback with the result that it is a form of trigeminal neuralgia but it is strange the facial numbness and shooting pains started after having a filling done about a week after so the thought was that the needle had injuried the nerve.

But it just seems a case off I may never know.

14-12-12, 12:59

I get Numbness and tingling around my left cheek and mouth area and sometimes tongue but only on the left side, Light headed and chest pains also burp.

So my Doctor tells me it my panic attacks caused by hyperventilating BUT how can I be my breath rate is aroun 12-15pm at the time it happens I have checked, It is happening right now and I am breath as sweet as a pea not shallow or fast just right.

So how can this be hyperventilating it can't be can it ???????:wacko:

This is happening to me everyday sometimes for hours I keep asking my wife if my face looks ok and checking the mirror in case I am having a stroke it is driving me MAD.

Any replys :welcome: that can make see common sense would be great.
hello extemx. it,s iron or anxiety or both together. get blood test done. i had that nearly 5years ago and i also had anxiety & panic. wich your iron levels will mak you worse. x