View Full Version : Hi

01-09-12, 17:34
Hello everyone, I stumbled across this site a few weeks ago & registered but I'm not sure if I actually introduced myself.
Since finding the site my anxiety has reared it's ugly head again, which is not a nice feeling. Rather than let it take over my life I've been sat reading through all the great help available on here & feel I want to be a part of such a positive group.
I'm hoping to meet virtual friends to help my through this episode n out the other side.
I'm the sort of person predisposed to anxiety having grown up with my mum suffering from anxiety & remembering how pleased she would be to see me if I turned up to meet her from the hairdressers when I was about 10, little knowing the behaviour would pass onto me.
Enough about me, except to say I'm female, single, work part time & have 2 grown up children & have a grandchild due in November.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you would like to know.

01-09-12, 17:44
Hi Scrumptious

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-09-12, 17:48
Hi Julie
This site is helping me, knowing that I am not the only one feeling this way. My Dad suffered from anxiety too so I guess it has passed on to me. he is 82 now and is fine now, really outgoing so there is hope for me yet!
I am married with 3 grown up children. You have something to look forward to with your grandchild due soon :)

01-09-12, 18:07
Thank you both, I realise I have to count my blessings but living with anxiety is a drain, I feel unreliable at the moment. I say I will drive 35 miles to see a friend but on the morning I'm due to go I'm too scared. I keep this pretty much to myself as it feels silly.
I'm hoping to build my esteem & make friends on this site as well as support others and glean useful info on the way.

01-09-12, 19:21
Sounds a bit like me Scrumptious.

Some days I feel I want to do things that need doing and the next day I feel rubbish, and cannot cope with everyday things.
Also I have this thing of forgetting where I have put stuff and cannot rest until
I have found it.
Don't think you are being silly on this site:doh:because we are here to help:hugs:xx

01-09-12, 21:05
Returning the HI and here is hoping you can beat your issues as we all do

Here to chat about anything and everything if you want

01-09-12, 22:20
Welcome to the forums! :) I'm sure you'll get the help and advice you need here.

02-09-12, 13:10
I was also raised by a very anxious mum, who also had a very anxious mum (my nanna) so I understand how hard it is to unlearn the behaviour passed down to us. One of the major reasons that I want to get better is to break the cycle and avoid my children learning my anxious behaviours. I also understand how no matter how blessed you know you are, it is still hard to get through every single day. I cancel so many arrangements that I don't really get invited out anywhere anymore and that kind of suits me fine. It takes off a lot of pressure, but I do feel quite lonely, hence the reason I have found myself on here. I hope that being on this forum helps us both

02-09-12, 13:15
I was also raised by a very anxious mum, who also had a very anxious mum (my nanna) so I understand how hard it is to unlearn the behaviour passed down to us. One of the major reasons that I want to get better is to break the cycle and avoid my children learning my anxious behaviours. I also understand how no matter how blessed you know you are, it is still hard to get through every single day. I cancel so many arrangements that I don't really get invited out anywhere anymore and that kind of suits me fine. It takes off a lot of pressure, but I do feel quite lonely, hence the reason I have found myself on here. I hope that being on this forum helps us both

Hi supermum, I tend to be the same, not committing to anything that involves going out of town during the day, but sadly that does mean I miss out. The number of times I've said yes, then backed out with a feeble excuse is appalling, no wonder I have only a few friends! I feel so ashamed to have this "phobia" it feels silly & it is really messing up my life right now. I need to get tough...