View Full Version : Lincolnshire

01-09-12, 17:35
Anyone from this part of the country pls?

01-09-12, 21:22
I'm in Lincolnshire :)

02-09-12, 00:20
Hi Elle-Kay, nice to meet you, I notice that I've commented on your previous post about your cancelled holiday. Are you near Lincoln?

02-09-12, 13:19
Yes, not far outside Lincoln. How about you? :) It's rare to find fellow Lincolnshire folk online, I think! Which seems odd since we're such a large county...

02-09-12, 13:22
I'm Boston side of Lincoln. Yes it's a large county & I'm surprised not to find others in the NMP group.

02-09-12, 13:42
Maybe Lincolnshire folk buck the trend when it comes to the "1 in 4 people suffer a mental health problem at some point" statistic - lucky things! ;) Or maybe we just have a high proportion of people who can't use Google... who knows! :D

Let me tell you a bit more about me, anyway. I'm 30, live in the 'burbs with my hubby of 5 years, and we have 2 ferrets, a tank of fish and an elderly snake, but no children. I'm not working currently (had to leave work recently because of unpleasantness), but am plotting a way to make our fortune by doing the crafty things I like (this may indicate that I'm either a hopeless dreamer, or a brilliant but undiscovered entrepreneur... time will tell!!)

macc noodle
02-09-12, 15:56
Maybe Lincolnshire folk buck the trend when it comes to the "1 in 4 people suffer a mental health problem at some point" statistic - lucky things! ;) Or maybe we just have a high proportion of people who can't use Google... who knows! :D

Let me tell you a bit more about me, anyway. I'm 30, live in the 'burbs with my hubby of 5 years, and we have 2 ferrets, a tank of fish and an elderly snake, but no children. I'm not working currently (had to leave work recently because of unpleasantness), but am plotting a way to make our fortune by doing the crafty things I like (this may indicate that I'm either a hopeless dreamer, or a brilliant but undiscovered entrepreneur... time will tell!!)

Nah Elle-Kay

May well prove to be that you are following your heart and therefore you will become fulfilled in ways that you have not experienced before which may in turn help with your health issues.

Good luck

05-09-12, 15:08
Hiya macc noodle ��. Thanks for sharing that info, I personally don't think Lincs bucks the trend, there are sufferers everywhere from all walks of life, maybe we are a more private bunch??
Im slightly olfer than you, live in town, have a 10 month old puppy & work part time. I enjoy my computer, photography & pub quizzes plus I love to snuggle up on a cold day by the fire with a good book. I'm not arty but I guess you could count my endless phone snaps as part arty! ����.
Guessing you have a smattering of anxiety in there somewhere?