View Full Version : Why now?

01-09-12, 23:00
I've been fine all day today; busy for the most part, so not even thinking about panic/anxiety, but I've just gotten into bed and had a sudden flashback to a horrible panic attack I had here in my bedroom back at the start of June (it was so bad, you see I can even remember the date...), so now I feel really on edge and like a panic is just under the surface :weep:

I don't know what even made me think of that June attack, except that on that occasion I obsessively cleaned my bedroom because I was worried about panicking and wanted to distract myself* (I even got a screwdriver out and lined up the wonky wardrobe doors!), and this afternoon I've been shampooing the carpet, tidying round, cleaning & re-arranging. That's the only link between the two occasions I can think of...

* not that it worked; I ended up panicking anyway, and worse I think because I had fought it and had dashed about so got my body on a 'high'.

02-09-12, 00:11
I clean too when I get anxious. I find a clean room is ore relaxing too.
I think it was just the association and your memory got triggered and that triggered a panic attack.

Each panic attack can be different too, so its hard to tell what will help or what might make it worse.

02-09-12, 01:15
Hi Elle,

Often there's not much logic to it at all and trying to make sense of it can just make it worse. I know we want to find the cause so we can stop it happening again but it seems that anxiety defies logic most of the time. I find it best not to think too much about it.

By the way, tips on lining up wonky doors would be great fully received.

Take care

Pip x

02-09-12, 08:41
Hi elle. I agree with the previous two posts. Who knows why we panic when we do. We just have to learn to work through the feelings when they decide to pay us a visit. In this instance it was probably your day spent cleaning that triggered the memory in June. Try not to give it any importance and move on from it.
By the way, if you fancy coming round to my house and having a panic attack there's plenty of cleaning for you here and I have a couple of kitchen cupboard doors that need fixing. I'd be very grateful:)

02-09-12, 13:11
Hi Elle,

Often there's not much logic to it at all and trying to make sense of it can just make it worse. I know we want to find the cause so we can stop it happening again but it seems that anxiety defies logic most of the time. I find it best not to think too much about it.

By the way, tips on lining up wonky doors would be great fully received.

Take care

Pip x

:roflmao:I found that you have to twiddle the central screw on the top and bottom hinges in/out on opposites (i.e. top one in, bottom one out & vice versa) until you get it hanging as you want it!
Disclaimer: I found this out whilst in the grip of a panicked state of mind, so it may not be sound advice! :winks:

Hi elle. I agree with the previous two posts. Who knows why we panic when we do. We just have to learn to work through the feelings when they decide to pay us a visit. In this instance it was probably your day spent cleaning that triggered the memory in June. Try not to give it any importance and move on from it.
By the way, if you fancy coming round to my house and having a panic attack there's plenty of cleaning for you here and I have a couple of kitchen cupboard doors that need fixing. I'd be very grateful:)

I'll bear that in mind Flossie :yesyes:

Thanks for your replies all. You are all right; it doesn't matter what triggers panic really, with the benefit of hindsight I can see that I was just indulging in some naughty obsessive thinking last night. I feel a bit better this morning, and am determined to persevere with my self-CBT to conquer this thing!