View Full Version : Common problem. Constant worry :( Lymph nodes

02-09-12, 11:04
Hi everyone

I felt a lymph node a year & a half ago in my neck on the right. I saw my Dr who gave me a blood test which was fine but I can now feel 1 further down my neck above my collar bone, one further back, one on the front on my neck on the left, one behind my ear, one in front of my ear and 1 or 2 in my jaw.

How many others can also feel theirs? If you can, how many?

Its a constant worry of mine & its on my mind every day :(

02-09-12, 14:37
Feeling them Iften will make them irritated and then come up more. Are you sure it's nodes you are feeling? If they are tiny pea sized they are nothing to worry about. Are they sore? I'm sure if it's nodes it's just either normal for you or you have an infection.

02-09-12, 14:53
i was going to comment similar to Louise, was going to say the chances are that what u are feeling are just normal, pea sized shape, if they were swollen then they would be noticeable, the more u feel the more ur going to feel things and notice things which are normal but u have never felt before, i have convinced my self my neck and what not was swollen and worried me so much i went to the doctors thinking it was my glands and what not when they turned out to be fine, just me looking for things. x

Miss Anxious
05-09-12, 17:08
My glands have been swollen in my neck for a few weeks now and Dr says it's fine but also have a slight temperature and have woken up in the night hot and sweaty, am now terrified that it is Leukemia - any advice?
Thanks -x-

05-09-12, 18:26
Hi everyone

I felt a lymph node a year & a half ago in my neck on the right. I saw my Dr who gave me a blood test which was fine but I can now feel 1 further down my neck above my collar bone, one further back, one on the front on my neck on the left, one behind my ear, one in front of my ear and 1 or 2 in my jaw.

How many others can also feel theirs? If you can, how many?

Lymph nodes were my first introduction to HA.

I can feel at least 4. More if I look.

Dr. Google has told both of us that lymph nodes enlarge for a million reasons including its what they are supposed to do

The agony you are putting yourself thru is not worth it. You can enlarge nodes by feeling them constantly. You can feel them in places where they're close to the skin. And, we aren't dr's - so what we think are lymph nodes can very often be something else.

I know how difficult this is, but you've got to stop touching them and thinking about them and worrying about them. Statistics say the stuff you and I are both afraid of is rare to begin with.