View Full Version : Hi :-)

02-09-12, 12:49

I am a 31 year old married mum of three and have been struggling since childhood with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, a major vomiting phobia, social anxieties and extremely low confidence and self esteem. After the birth of my second and third babies, I suffered with awful post natal depression. I have had many ups and downs in my life with my anxieties, at one point I was unable to leave the house for three months because of debilitating panic attacks. I have been on anti depressants since April of last year and have had some CBT via my doctor's referral. I am doing ok now, I still have ok days, good days and absolutely awful days. I find it extremely difficult to tell people around me how much I am struggling as I see it as a huge weakness and most people call me supermum (hence my profile name) as I juggle motherhood with running the house and running my own business, but they have absolutely no idea how hard I find every single day. Some days even walking a minute to the local shop is too much for me. Having said that, I do try and push myself as much as possible and I am in a good place at the moment. I would just like to be able to come here and have people understand me and feel the much needed support. I would also love to be able to be there for other people who are in a hard situation who need a listening "ear" and a place to go to where they will feel they can be themselves and not have to wear a mask like I do all day, everyday.

Thanks for reading,

Have a wonderful day :)

02-09-12, 13:00
Hi Supermum

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-09-12, 14:31
Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find it very helpful here and there are many others in similar situations. I too find it difficult to tell people around me how I feel.

03-09-12, 13:00
Hi supermum, to be honest I think you are a super mum... What you cope with on a daily basis takes courage & strength, which you have in plenty. Keep on trying & you'll get there, of that I'm sure. Always here with a friendly ear x

03-09-12, 13:06
Hi supermum.Hope you find it helpful speaking to others on here about your situation.

I can relate to you in a lot of what you have said.

03-09-12, 19:18
Thanks for the warm welcome guys - much appreciated :-D

05-09-12, 05:51
Hello supermum.

You will find a lot of good advice and support on this forum.