View Full Version : overwhelming tiredness

28-07-06, 11:13
How many of you feel really tired all the time? I mean so tired you really don't want to go upstairs even. I feel like I have run a marathon. My mind wants to do stuff but my body refuses!!

28-07-06, 16:19
I still get tired when the anxiety rears it's ugly head but since I've been on vitamins and iron I have alot more energy then I used to.

28-07-06, 16:51
i to hate the feeling of tiredness i feel so weak some times i can,t even be botherd to talk like i dont have the energy at all it scares me i try fighting the feelings wich seems to zap even more of my energy
i honestly no how u feel trish

28-07-06, 17:02
I also feel tired with anxiety. By the time lunch time rolls around I have to lay down for one or two hours. Then the tiredness passed. It is very common for us people that suffer fron anxiety. As Claire Weekes says it can weaken even the strongest man. Hope this helps.
Love Debera

28-07-06, 18:14
I too feel tierd with anxiety, and also the hot weather dosnt help.

My legs have been the worst this last week, they seem to ache all the time, it seems such a effort to even walk.



28-07-06, 20:30
I have times when I suffer from 'TATT'...I generally put it down to bad sleep pattern. I've been anaemic in the past, but try to eat healthy as I don't do iron tablets very well.

I think quality sleep is the best cure, but getting it is another matter.

I've been working 40 hours a week for past 3 weeks instead of my normal 20, but I feel more alert for it than the usual part time hours.


polly daydream
28-07-06, 22:27
I feel tired most of the time, even after 10 hrs sleep.


29-07-06, 00:25
My tiredness hits me most when I wake up, and it very gradually abates throughout the day, but I never feel up to much.

This converts into a fear of not doing much. It's like a viscious circle.

I often feel as if I want to be sedated for several days, but I know that won't happen, and would not work anyway.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

29-07-06, 02:00
I;am tired a lot during the day, this started bak in february....its so scarey to me, I have a fear of cancer and brain tumors....very morbid thoughts a lot, I just want to feel better again, and I hate the meds, but without them I was so much worse with worry and panic/anxiety attacks daily.

Will Loynes
29-07-06, 09:40
Its a funny thing but I feel permanently fatigued and tired. When I have spoken to the Drs about I get told 'oh, its just a side effect of anxiety and depression'. Well thankyou docs, could have figured that one out myself sherlock!.
Seriously tho, it does make for a bit of a demoralising life at times, especially when I remember its not so long ago that I was so active.
Still as they say 'theres always tomorrow to look forward to'!

All the best

Drowsy Will :D

28-10-08, 12:09
Constant fatigue since spring:weep:

28-10-08, 18:35
Unfortunately this seems to be all tied in with anxiety, tired mind and all that, doctors have no cure! They always seem to have an answer for everything have you got kids?, do you smoke?, do you drink? are you exercising? only then when you've given them the answers they want to hear, you are sent for blood tests only to come back perfectly normal! May'be it is all in the head and it's just a case of mind over matter, sounds simple really!!!
Ive not managed yet anyway,
Take care

30-10-08, 10:17
I'm constantly tired, from the minuet i get up until i go to bed i'm shattered and i look it:lac:

I take so many tablets that i think this has got to have something to do with it.
Wish i could get off them and then i just may feel awake!

01-11-08, 07:32
I feel tired most of the time, even after 10 hrs sleep.


Same here.
Sometimes I sleep for 20 hours.

01-11-08, 11:34
Certainly there's nothing more exhausting than living and trying to cope with constant anxiety and depression - depression alone saps us of energy and motivation and the simplest task, such as making a cup of tea can feel as daunting as climbing Everest. But have you been to the doctor and had tests to rule out anaemia or low thyroid function - two problems which are easily dealt with? I only have to sit down and put the TV on and I'm out like a light. Fortunately I live in a flat so don't have the problem of climbing any stairs - unless the lift is out of order!

01-11-08, 14:18
:blush: you must have seen "the drunken person" on TV who cannot keep their eyes open, their eyes start to close and they nod forward and they jerk awake:ohmy:
This happens to me sometimes(Ido not drink)and I am so afraid I jump up and try to walk around the house - get an ice pack on neck and wrist. am so frightend by this feeling. The problem is once this feeling goes off I am OK for hours after.
Like Will Loynes said the docs bat it off as anxiety - that does not help me to understand why it happens:mad: I am NOT tired all the time and this "sensation" only happens sometimes so - Why???
I just keep trying:blush:
Best wishes

05-11-08, 15:00
It is very common for anxious people to suffer with fatigue. I hope this explains it for you June.

When we secrete large amounts of adrenaline, glycogen is mobilized from the muscles and converted to simple sugars that can then be readily utilized for combat (flight/fight). Glycogen is muscle fuel. If you take too much glycogen out of the muscle, it becomes temporarily weak. The result is a three-day feeling of fatigue and utter exhaustion.

It was put to me like this: If you drink a gallon of whiskey at one sitting, you will be quiet drunk and sobering up will be a long slow process. When we are in our anxiety producing state, the results are similar. Massive amounts of adrenaline secretion produce exaggerted physical symptoms and recovery, likewise, is long and slow.

Also, meds which are used to treat anxiety can cause drowsiness and fatigue.

By learning techniques to control your anxiety eg. Calmative breathing, distraction, gradually facing each fear, etc. Your anxiety decreases. Exercise is the best way to burn adrenaline and also gives you more energy, try to aim for 20 - 30 mins a day.:yesyes: When I was housebound I used to walk up and down the stairs to exercise.
Hope this helps

:hugs: :hugs: to all

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

Natural Mystic
05-11-08, 15:03
i to hate the feeling of tiredness i feel so weak some times i can,t even be botherd to talk like i dont have the energy at all it scares me i try fighting the feelings wich seems to zap even more of my energy
i honestly no how u feel trish
I get that too, when I'm having bad days. Today, however, I'm having a good day so making the most of it. There is even something in the washing machine (neglected for a few days due to feeling just awful) :)

I think we should learn to accept that when we are having our "dark" days (mine usually lasting no more than 2 or 3 at a time), the light will switch on and we'll be back. Not so easy during those days I know, trust me.

agent orange
05-11-08, 19:06
I too feel tired as my anxiety ticks over in the background and it just makes me feel fatigued even in the morning as well as night time.

12-11-08, 15:49
Past few days i have been feeling utterly exhausted, like i am barely dragging myself around. I slept like 10 h last night and i feel like i can sleep forever, and not just sleep, but deep sleep, it just feels intoxicating. I find this feeling so scary! I am at work, don't know how i'm moving myself around and how i'll dragg myself home. I had some time of not doing much, a bad time really, it's been about a week or so since i started doing things again, going out. I just don't know what to do about this feeling. It makes everything else so much more scary, like today i developed some stomach cramps and diahhroea and it is so much more difficult not to think something catastrophic is happening when i feel this overwhelming tiredness and exhaustion.

dawn rose
13-11-08, 18:12
i find when im tired which is most of the time my anxieties get worse my little girl doesnt sleep very well so im up at 3am most mornings. i wake up tired have to poke maself at 3pm ish to stay awake then feel too past it to eat by tea time.

18-11-08, 04:17
Most days for sure. But I did just find out my iron levels are low as well.

20-11-08, 04:28
When my anxiety is at its highest, I get really tired especially when im out. I hate feeling tired because I always feel light headed with it then I start panicking.

fretty freda
20-02-09, 22:46
i sleep 12 hours an i am still zonked !! had every test under the sun to try and find the answer to this problem also i sometimes feel in a blur as if things are going on around me an i am not there if anyone comes up with any advice or solutions please help xx

22-02-09, 14:04
I am pregnant though so it's probably why..

24-02-09, 14:29
Funny enough, even though I'm as anxious as hell most of the time I very rarely feel tired. I think because my mind is racing all the time it keeps me going and I know I could probably go all night without sleep and not feel too bad in the morning.

24-02-09, 20:06
Unfortunatley anxiety and extreme fatigue goes hand in hand. I stopped work 4 years through a breakdown (work/stress related) and since then have suffered anxiety/panic disorder. I have put on so much weight due to my lack of motivation, lack of exercise and this only adds the fatigue. I have also become pregnant and i have to admit this last month i am almost immobile through fatigue. And if i do go out or over things i pay for it next day. My anxiety is high at the moment as the pregnancy is triggering my health anxiety...i could sleep, sleep, sleep. Quite common for pregnant women, but weight and anxiety on top i am really suffering. God knows how i am going to give birth i get tired just walking up a set of stairs. Lol i'll be too tired to push never mind to posh so may have to discuss a c/section, which i so don't really want if i can help it :(:( All the fun of being an anxiety sufferer :(:(

26-02-09, 12:04
I felt like that and went to my GP for blood test and was diagnosed with underactive thyroid. Maybe worth having it checked. Another sign is bulging eyes and goitre swollen. Good luck!

27-02-09, 13:43
i know the feeling i wake up tired and have to make my self do stuff its worse in the winter months in the summer i try and get out in the garden. i think the brain works all the time and thats what makes us feel tired i may be wrong its like a muggy feeling as well all the time cant remember when i had a clear head. lets hope we all feel better soon :-)

27-02-09, 15:00
Thanks Proccie

I have had all the tests for thyroid etc. Everything comes back normal. I get told by my doc and Shrink that my anxiety causes me tiredness. I've had it for four years now. Always had a problem with my weight. Just unfortunate i think. I agree with other posts, anxiety suffers often have an over active mind and heightened senses and i know my thoughts race continually. It's as if my head goes into overdrive, buy physically i can't keep up. This is extremely tiring.

Good luck to all, at least you know you're not alone :):) xxx

13-04-09, 05:48
Hi, with me it's more of the body is willing but the mind is tired.
Sometimes I avoid socializing because of tiredness:blush:

26-04-09, 02:41
I tend to just get really really tired around the time of my period, but that sometimes brings me anxiety which makes me even more tired. It is quite the cycle!