View Full Version : So scared right now I don't know what to do!!!!

02-09-12, 15:51
So I posted a threat about strange blinking blurry lines in my vision and was told it was a migraine aura even though I never got the head ache. I just did something stupid and wen't and googled it, and it came up that it was linked to a stroke. And I read that most the time migraine are misdiagnosed and was linked to so many other diseases. I also read that people often get migraines when they older, and I am not old, I am only 16. I am very scared right now. This was my first silent migraine, and about a month ago I had a migraine with the headache. I don't know what to do now that I read that silent migraines can be liknked to a stroke! My mom gets migraines too, but she says she only gets about 4-6 a year, and right now I am getting one every month! I do believe that I'm getting them from working out too hard in such hot weather, I don't know if that can cause migraines, but thats the only thing I can thing off because they both happened after a hard work out. I am scared to work out in this heat. God I don't know what to do anymore, I am so scared that I am going to a have a stroke! I thought I was having one when I had my first migraine. I know I am too young to have a stroke, but I have read that it is possible. Oh and do any of you know if an EKG picks up a stroke? I got one of those the first time I thought I was having a stroke, and I was fine. I really need help again! I know I post a lot of threads but I am very knew to everything and just need answers to help me cope with things!

macc noodle
02-09-12, 16:02
Hey hunni

It would be extremely rare for one so young to suffer a stroke so you need to put that right out of your head.

Stress can trigger migraines and if you are so wound up with worry then you are creating the conditions for the migraine attacks.

Migraines can occur at any time - my eldest suffered them for about 4 years when he was 12 and he is 17 now and does not have them anymore.

Regarding the working out in hot weather - you need to make sure you keep hydrated because if you dont then this can trigger nasty headaches too.

You need to stop googling and if you are still worried ask your mom to take you to see a doctor.

Macc Noodle

02-09-12, 16:09
My migraines are the type that mimic a stroke .
No offensive but I've seen people have strokes, if you had one you would have ened up in the ER and you would have after affects.
You're 16 my migraines started at 11.
Women get them more than men due to hormones.
There's lot of triggers such as the weather/air pressure, missing sleep, over sleeping , certain foods, coffee, and so on .
So start keeping a diary to find out your trigger.

02-09-12, 17:50
I am also really scared that I am going to get a migraine, So I always almost feel like that I am getting a migraine, like I can feel pressure on one side of my head, and that I will slowly get a headache, but never do. Does anyone else ever get this feeling?

rachel m
02-09-12, 21:31
Hi clank
Its me again Rachel. I told you about the aura migraines. Just read your last post. I,m so sorry you are still feeling anxious hun, but please please try to relax about it. Easier said than done i know. I have been in your situation for many months now with exactly the same symptoms as you. Can i reasure you in that in my 23 years in the medical industry i have never seen a 16 year old have a stroke. I,m not saying it does,nt happen, it does but it is VERY VERY rare. You would be better assured if you spoke to your mom about it and let her accompany you to the Drs. Ifeel you need to have a good chat with both. If you could sort out your anxiety issues with maybe some medication all the other symptoms will get much better. Let me know how you go on hun. I,m on here most days if need to talk. :hugs:xx

02-09-12, 21:40
Hi clank
Its me again Rachel. I told you about the aura migraines. Just read your last post. I,m so sorry you are still feeling anxious hun, but please please try to relax about it. Easier said than done i know. I have been in your situation for many months now with exactly the same symptoms as you. Can i reasure you in that in my 23 years in the medical industry i have never seen a 16 year old have a stroke. I,m not saying it does,nt happen, it does but it is VERY VERY rare. You would be better assured if you spoke to your mom about it and let her accompany you to the Drs. Ifeel you need to have a good chat with both. If you could sort out your anxiety issues with maybe some medication all the other symptoms will get much better. Let me know how you go on hun. I,m on here most days if need to talk. :hugs:xx

Hi Rachel :) I wen't to the doctors the other day and was diagnosed with anxiety. I will be seeing a therapist soon once my doctor finds me one, and then they will tell me if I need medication or not.

rachel m
02-09-12, 21:55
Hi hun, Well thats the first positive step towards getting yourself well again. Well done you. :D. Keep thinking of that and try to focus on the positives. I PROMISE you wont have a stroke. trust me. If things get to much and you find yourself in a panic, i,m only a click away. x

02-09-12, 22:12
Hi hun, Well thats the first positive step towards getting yourself well again. Well done you. :D. Keep thinking of that and try to focus on the positives. I PROMISE you wont have a stroke. trust me. If things get to much and you find yourself in a panic, i,m only a click away. x

I try my best to focus on the positives but some things are just so hard not too! Ill do what I can to get rid of this fear of strokes that I have :)

02-09-12, 22:26
You've had some good advice already, but I just wanted to reinforce that migraines don't only happen in older people. I was 17 when I had my first, and it was really scary. I was also like you in that my mum got them, but only a few times a year, whereas I got them monthly, and even weekly at one time (due to stress).

02-09-12, 22:35
You've had some good advice already, but I just wanted to reinforce that migraines don't only happen in older people. I was 17 when I had my first, and it was really scary. I was also like you in that my mum got them, but only a few times a year, whereas I got them monthly, and even weekly at one time (due to stress).

I am really stressed out when it comes to exercise because I am pretty sure I get my migraines after exercising. I am even more scared to exercise now because migraines can be linked to a stroke :S

03-09-12, 00:42
They can, because migraine is thought to be caused by a contraction of blood vessels in the head, which would make it harder for clots to pass through, IF you had them. However, you can get migraine meds which counteract this by acting to relax the contracted blood vessels when this occurs. They're called Triptans and you will be able to ask your doctor about them.

03-09-12, 01:37
Working out can trigger migraines too, but maybe you were slightly dehydrated?
Try drinking a sports drink next time before hand.

Before I got anxiety, I used to fear migraines.
I was scared of havibg one while alone as they affect my vision and speech.
Anytime I felt a bit a funny or I had sun spots in my vision I'd get very fearful a migraine was coming .

I know that staying calm helps the migraine to go faster though.

03-09-12, 15:13
Working out can trigger migraines too, but maybe you were slightly dehydrated?
Try drinking a sports drink next time before hand.

Before I got anxiety, I used to fear migraines.
I was scared of havibg one while alone as they affect my vision and speech.
Anytime I felt a bit a funny or I had sun spots in my vision I'd get very fearful a migraine was coming .

I know that staying calm helps the migraine to go faster though.

I don't know if I was dehydrated or not, I used to drink 5 or more bottles of water a day before school started, but now I don't even think I drink one, because of the stupid rule my school has of having no water bottles. I don't know if this is screwing me up because i'm so used to having so much water.

04-09-12, 03:30
No water bottles? Oh you're in America aren't you :)
That wouldn't fly here, the students wouldn't comply ha ha.

Well if you drink enough at home, you can tell if your urine is light yellow or clear, except for morning time when it's naturally darker. You should be hydrated enough.

If you're worried about vision get your eyes tested.
I went to specsavers, they tested the eye pressure by using a machine that blows a bit of air into your eye.
They do various vision tests, and a visual field test.
They also look into your eye and are trained to spot if anythings wrong.
As the eyes are the windows to the brain they can even spot tumours.

It would at least put your mind at rest if you are worried about your vision.