View Full Version : Back to work

02-09-12, 16:32
And I'm dreading it.

I'm a teacher and I need to get out of the school, even to get out of teaching. This devastates me, I so badly want to keep my career going, but I can't take the stress and pressure I'm being put under at work.

No idea how I'm going to sleep tonight, no idea how I'm going to get through my first few lessons. No idea how I'm gonna cope with the general misery that surrounds me in the morning.

Any other teachers feeling the same? I could really do with someone to talk to.

oh no_1
02-09-12, 16:34
i teach
meant to be first day bk 2morro..... I also need to get out of the skool im at, possibly even the career but so confused at minute and so much to think bout and it so hard to even get a job, been looking.

02-09-12, 18:32
What is it about your job that you are struggling with?

02-09-12, 19:08
Me too but not quite so much this year.
My anxiety got so bad last year that I was off sick towards the end of the year. Now I am going back on part time hours in the hope that this will be more manageable.
PM me if you want to chat, I can definitely sympathise!!:)

oh no_1
02-09-12, 19:24
what u do holly?
i work part time n cant even do that, i job share and it so so so hard

02-09-12, 19:55
My mum's a teacher, I know how much work is involved, people think its an easy job when in fact it is very high pressured.

oh no_1
02-09-12, 19:59
yes yes so so so very hard....

02-09-12, 20:02
I am a learning support assistant in a secondary school and lost quite a lot of time off due to anxiety and stress. I dropped to 4 days a week and found it a lot easier. I have a fractured foot now though so can't go back tomorrow. the trouble is that my foot has made me anxiety worse so don't know how long before I will get back. I always find the first day back after a holiday is the worst and quite a few of my colleagues say they never sleep the night before.

02-09-12, 21:06
Teaching & education has certainly changed beyond recognition in recent years. I am a trainer/assessor in a college and currently signed off sick with anx/panic/agoraphobia/depression. It's been a tough year for me and I am now facing a formal capability procedure. This has had a profound effect on my wellbeing.

I'm sorry I can't help you decide what to do, but I just wanted you to know you are not alone in your stress, pressure & misery. It's a tough call, but good luck.

Kitti :)

02-09-12, 22:00
Hi Cally24

I was in a very similar position to you a couple of years ago. My mental and physical health deteriorated as the workload increased; the late nights sat up marking and preparing for lessons; open and parents evenings; training and departmental meetings; meetings about meetings, and all the red tape and politics you have to battle through. It all wore me down to the point where I could no longer cope and frankly I stopped enjoying the job completely, a job that I once found satisfying.

I was off sick for some time and with the support of occupational health and my own GP it was decided that I reduce my hours significantly, primarily on a temporary basis, however I decided after a year or so to make the temporary hours permanent. The college were supportive too, although as they have a duty of care to all employees they had little choice. I have to say that the only down side I have found in doing this is financial, but other than that my life is far less stressful, I can manage my daily routine and even get some sleep. I just wish I had done something about it earlier and not waited until I burnt out completely.

It can get better but you need to make a few decisions. Whatever you decide I wish you the very best of luck. :hugs: