View Full Version : what dose is everyone on?

02-09-12, 17:01
I was just wondering what dose of citalopram most ppl are on for anxiety? im on 20mg but dont think its doing much as i still seem to have constant anxiety symptoms ive been on it 6months now. x

02-09-12, 17:24
i am on cipralax 5mg dont really help anxiety but my depressions easing now

02-09-12, 17:31
I've been on 10mg for just over 3 weeks now. It seems to be enough for me right now. :)
Dizzydoll, it's probably best if you go back to your doctor and get it reviewed if you don't think it's helping you any more.

02-09-12, 18:01
He asked me to go on 40mg but that seemed a big jump from 20mg n im quite scared of the heart worries in cit wid higher doses xxx

02-09-12, 18:15
I'm on 20mg for nine days so far.

02-09-12, 20:14
He asked me to go on 40mg but that seemed a big jump from 20mg n im quite scared of the heart worries in cit wid higher doses xxx

I know that must be worrying especially if you have health anxiety. I found this article online which explains more about the heart risks: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/9367001/Safety-warning-over-Britains-most-common-antidepressant.html

It seems that the warning was mainly aimed at people who took 60mg. 40mg is now the recommended maximum dose so it should be safe. But only you can decide if you think the risk is worth it. However, if you're worried you could always ask to be switched to a different medication, as the warning only affects citalopram and escitalopram.

02-09-12, 21:13
im on 20mg, have been for 16 days now!

02-09-12, 21:35
I started on 10mg and was on that for about 5 weeks, now I'm on 20mg and this is my second week of that.

So far I have noticed my general mood and motivation is better but my anxiety is still horrendous :(

03-09-12, 10:39
I'm on escitalopram 20mg...but I started it alongside Xanax. I have tried to lower the Xanax dosage, but anxiety came back...so I'm still on Xanax and don't know if escitalopram is helping...

03-09-12, 12:20
Started on 10mg been on them for 6 days now..
Hopefully I will start to feel better soon.

04-09-12, 03:07
Am currently on 40mg been taking that dose for 3 weeks now,having started on 10mg then 20mg,am expecting to go back to 20mg in due course.:)


little scientist
04-09-12, 09:21
currently on the 10mg dose to see if that is effective long term, as I may well be on it for the long term future :)

04-09-12, 10:45
Hi Dizzydoll, I was on 20mg initially but upped it to 40mg. I've been on 40mgs for about 18+ months (maybe 2yrs!!).
The dosage depends on what works for you, but do give it time. As I remember it took about 2 maybe 3 weeks for the side effects to drop off and I actually started to feel better.
Good luck.

05-09-12, 10:51
I've been on 10 mg for 6 weeks now and not really seen any difference. When I saw my doctor last she said for the moment to stay on the 10mg but she also said that I could try taking 2 instead of the 1. She didn't say when I should do that and I'm not sure when to do it. My next doctors appointment is next week and I'm thinking that maybe I should just wait until then and then she will put me on 20mg anyway.

eternally optimistic
05-09-12, 10:52
I'm on 20mg, citalopram, since Dec '10.

05-09-12, 20:06
Seems like most ppl r on low doses x

05-09-12, 20:17
I wish I new I have been up and down like a yoyo lol the last 6 months I think I'm on 15mg started today from 20mg

05-09-12, 20:31
Currently on 30mg but GP is moving me onto Mirtazapine instead. Are you coping well on the Citalopram?

05-09-12, 21:22
Hmm i still have anxiety every single day but i suppose i am mentally copping better but i have health anxiety n im worried about heart problems with cit...why r u changing meds? x

05-09-12, 21:50
I'm on 10mg have been for around 6-7 months. Started on 20mg 2 years ago & helped me loads :) although I'm on Mirtazipine as well which was upped yesterday to 30mg.

HB x

05-09-12, 22:02
I just found citalopram hasn't been working for me as well as it used too. Like you I still had anxious feelings but, they've been turning into panic attacks more and more.

06-09-12, 16:06
Are u findin ur new medication better? x