View Full Version : Self harm thoughts

02-09-12, 19:41
Sorry to write this post, been struggling loads this weekend and I'm having self harm thoughts. Anyone I can talk to?? Sorry xx

02-09-12, 19:47
Hi Sorry you have been having a bad weekend, try to think positive, I know that is not always easy to do but you can beat this! :hugs:

02-09-12, 19:50
Had a panic attack Friday at work. Just really down with it all x

02-09-12, 19:57
Panic attacks can be so scary, I have had quite a few in the last week and it does really get you down, I just keep telling myself I CAN get through this. Are you back at work tomorrow?

02-09-12, 20:00
Im back in work Wednesday. I feel I will never get better. It's like I'll feel good for a while than fall down. I'm crying :-( x

02-09-12, 20:03
Wish I was there to give you a hug..you will have to make do with a virtual one :hugs: Do you have anyone you can call to talk?

02-09-12, 20:27
h26, sorry you are feeling so down at the moment.
I am sending hugs too:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-09-12, 20:44
hi hayley hope u feel better soon:bighug1:

02-09-12, 20:44
Thanks for the hugs both of u!! Keep crying x

02-09-12, 20:46
aww bless you Hayley. It is awful when you feel so low. Try to get some rest if you can and I hope you feel better tomorrow. We are always here for you xx

02-09-12, 20:53
Hi Haley,

so sorry your feeling so low, hope you feel better soon. sending you some hugs:


02-09-12, 20:56
I'm struggling loads atm with the same problem so if you want you can message me maybe we can help each other

03-09-12, 19:50
I'm feeling worse tonight, can't handle it :-( x

04-09-12, 08:25
h26 Im sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I understand as I go through this awell. Have you got anyone you can talk to about this? I hope you do feel better soon hun (((hug)))