View Full Version : Feeling numb?

02-09-12, 20:40
I feel very numb at the moment. It goes away when i am busy but the minute i stop the numbeness returns. My anxiety thoughts go into overdrive and yeah :/ im starting college next week so this is the only thing on my mind right now but for some reason im not excited or enthusiastic about starting its really weird. I want to do animal care but until i start doing it my mind just tells me i dont want to do it. When i am around animals i am so happy and a completely different person but when im in my own or not distracted i become this empty shell its horrible.

Ive kinda lost my identity a bit and i hate not having any kind of thought in my head other than anxiety and self doubt.

Any reassurance or does anyone else get this? What does your anxiety make you feel like ?

Ive just started taking evening primrose oil to see if it eases my pms symptoms but i dont no if this could be making me worse - i only started it a couple of days ago !

Thanks in advanced xx

02-09-12, 20:56
I'm similar at the moment, feel quite numb as well. In regards to how you feel, its probably the waiting that is making you feel a bit like this. Maybe when you actually start the course you will then feel a sense of purpose and progress.

02-09-12, 21:01
I know how you are feeling, Im the exact same I start college in two weeks also i've been offered a really cool opportunity to play in a band because they lost a bass player, I should be over the moon but my mind is telling me not too
I'm dealing with intrusive thoughts right now and im on CIT so sometimes I just wanna crawl into a ball but I keep telling myself to go and do the stuff because it will help. So my advice is to really push yourself to go and do it but right now don't think about having to go do it, I found i'd over think and get panicky about what's coming up and there's no need i'll deal with it and it won't be as bad when it comes.

02-09-12, 22:21
Thanks guys x. I get bursts of motivation and positivity and then suddenly it goes! Xx