View Full Version : breakup:(

02-09-12, 23:27
Hi everyone... my boyfriend of 1.5 years broke up with me earlier today.. and i've been having a lot of panic attacks....my heart is racing and I can barely breathe. i'm trying so hard to calm down but it's not working, it was so unexpected.

I haven't had a panic attack in over two months and I thought I was doing well but this came out of nowhere :(

does anyone have any suggestions to help me with my panic attacks right now? i read the article on the left, i knew how to deal with them in the past, but i never had so many in one day. Thanks for reading.

03-09-12, 01:53
I think you are panicking due to still bring in shock/upset over the break up .
Try and be around people if you can.
Write down your thoughts,feelings,symptoms.
Try walking to burn off some of the anxiety.
A warm drink, chew gum,eat a sweet.
Take a bath.

Try and get out of your own head, as in anything that'll distract you.
I'm guessing you just have a lot of thoughts and feelings that are overwhelming you right now .
Sorry I don't know much of what might help.
I've had the same happen to me. I was panicking a lot and my anxiety got really bad .
Would have been nice if I had people around me at the time.
Sleeping definitely helped though :) once I was able to sleep that is .

05-09-12, 10:25
I'm so sorry to hear about your break up darl. I'm going through a divorce and started having panic attacks again in March time. Hopefully your attacks will just pass on their own but if you do end up seeing a doctor, try to see if he will give you some diazepam to help for a little while. ((((hugs)))))

05-09-12, 16:44
i.m so sorry to hear that hun try takeing a nice hot bath to try and relax or listen to some music but not sad love songs put on something upbeat or pop on a dvd u love i cant really think of anythink else wish i could be more help to u :hugs: