View Full Version : Feeling anxious tonight :(

03-09-12, 00:50
Feeling very anxious tonight. Breathing is too quick and heavy. Heart is beating quickly:mad: Feeling dizzy:lac:

Been here before a gazillion time!:wacko:

03-09-12, 02:42
Am feeling the same. Not being able to sleep isn't helping, or it's not letting me get to sleep. Either way. I think I'm anxious because I know I have to be up in the morning (now 5 hours).

It really is just a vicious circle sometimes! :shrug:

03-09-12, 03:03
Am feeling the same. Not being able to sleep isn't helping, or it's not letting me get to sleep. Either way. I think I'm anxious because I know I have to be up in the morning (now 5 hours).

It really is just a vicious circle sometimes! :shrug:

Sorry to hear that you're feeling this way too, it sucks big time!! Especially as you have to be up soon. Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions about getting to sleep :wacko::shrug:

03-09-12, 03:22
Sorry to hear that you're feeling this way too, it sucks big time!! Especially as you have to be up soon. Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions about getting to sleep :wacko::shrug:

The irony being, that I have to be up at 8am so I can ring my GP as soon as they open to get an appointment because of my anxiety. At least I don't have to work tomorrow so I can always go back to bed afterwards.

It's not a brilliant situation, but I just keep telling myself that it could be worse! :)

03-09-12, 03:40
I go through the same thing daily. It is so nice to know I am not alone. I see people out and about and they look so happy and rested and yet for me each moment is a challenge. I hope my empathy helps. :)
We will make it!

03-09-12, 06:11
The Best Methods to Fight Night Anxiety:
1. Avoid prescription drugs

2. Avoiding Caffeine, nicotine or wine in the evening- these only made the problem worse. I actually tried living with or without them and witnessed the difference. These can actually make your attacks worse and caffeine can actually give you insomnia, thus you can’t sleep at all.

3. Avoiding bad night habits – Don’t look at the clock! Ever!
Turn the clock around to face the wall, or hide it in a drawer or under the bed. I was constantly checking the time and that reinforced my thought that I’ll never get back to sleep.
Don’t stay in bed more than 15 minutes. I used to do this to remind my brain that the bed is the place to sleep – not the place for stressing, worrying and obsessing. Night anxiety should not happen in bed.
Don’t go back to bed too soon. I only went back to bed when I felt I could fall asleep right away. I watched, on purpose, a boring TV show or read a boring book.
Before going to sleep, try to watch something funny on TV. Never an action film or sad drama. Something light, funny and even stupid. Give your brain a break and a chance to escape from everyday worries. -hope this will help you.:D