View Full Version : I want to visit a new GP but am afraid :(

03-09-12, 01:13
Well I've not seen my own doctor in nearly a year !
But when I went about my sinus, neck and ear pain it felt like he was almost mocking me :/
I've lost faite in doctors but I fear being labeled as a crazy person too . .

I spent all last night in pain with my ears.
A deep warm ache :'(
I've sinus pain plus a cyst or polyp too that showed up in my dental xtay.
I've pain all down the right side oft neck,
Plus various lumps, swollen glands and lymph nodes.

It's been going on maybe 2 years, it eased up a bit when I had my wisdom teeth out.
I do have anxiety but my symptoms are real!
Heh I feel crazy even saying that lol

If I see a new doctor will my other doctor find out ?
I guess I just want someone to give me a diagnoises and fix the problem.

I don't think it's anything serious, I hope that a new doctor might give me a private referral to an ENT, as I've been waiting a year to see the free one !

I'm honestly at my wits end!
Thanks for listening x

03-09-12, 01:27
Yes the other doctor will see the notes but you are entitled to get a 2nd opinion.

Let me just give you a scenario I was in.

I had a massive Crohn's flareup and was told by one doctor/hospital that I had to have a colostomy bag.

I went to another consultant at another hospital and they said no way did I need that and they would treat it with medication and have done ever since.

So I left the consultant I was with and swapped to the other one.

We are all allowed to choose who we see

03-09-12, 12:31
hi there just curious did you have to pay private to see diff
consultant at diff hospital as in u.k nhs .??
never realised you could do that
like ..thats all dazza..
you learn stuff everyday...

03-09-12, 12:38
I was told by my mom's oncologist when we asked to get a second opinion that doctors should never be upset if you get a second opinion because if they are a good doctor, then the second doctor will just confirm their diagnosis/plan for you. He actually recommended we get as many opinions as made us feel comfortable. We ended up going with the first doctor.

03-09-12, 13:15
I had previously seen the other consultant at that hospital yes but when I got ill they took me to a different hospital as it was closer so my care was basically with them.

I then contacted the other consultant and asked if I could see him for a 2nd opinion.

In the end I transferred the care for my Crohn's back to him.

04-09-12, 03:25
Thanks Nic, it's hard to know what to do sometimes.
I mentioned before a guy I know just left my doctor due to having back pain for a year and only been giving drugs. This is a guy who never complains or ever gets sick.

I've tried waiting it out two years, and part of the reason I didn't see my doctor I'm nearly was because I thought he might take me more seriously since I was still having symptoms.
I wonder if they treat people differently when are on the free health care system.
I think I will see another doctor. I might even write down ally symptoms so I don't forget anything.