View Full Version : Sick of the anxiety!

03-09-12, 06:30
Good morning. I was trawling through the net looking for answers and came across you guys! I am suffering with anxiety and depression and I am utterly sick of it. I wake up with the awful whirling anxious feeling, if I'm lucky it will pass after a couple of hours, or like yesterday it will stay all day! I always considered myself to be a rational kind of person but that's gone! I'm lucky I have my Mum who understands but I fear I'm driving her mad! I carry this around like a dirty little secret!

I am taking fluoxetine...is there light at the end of this tunnel?

03-09-12, 06:44
Hi scpW9

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-09-12, 08:44
There is always light at the end of the tunnel, never give up, try to be positive!
Hopefully, I don't know how long you have been taking the medication, but it should help you with your anxiety and depression.
You are very lucky in that you have a close family member to support you, try and focus on all the good things that you have in your life. You are not alone, you have family and now you also have the support of NMP members.

03-09-12, 18:04
Thank you so much! I am very lucky. I am hoping that having a network of support and also by supporting others I can increase my understanding and hopefully improve my well being! I actually feel like today is day one and this is going to really help me!


03-09-12, 18:54
Excellent.I'm glad you're feeling a little bit more positive about things.

I Hope you get all the support and understanding you need on here.

03-09-12, 19:21
yes it will get better you just have to hang on in there talk to your mum and any friends you have you will be susprised just how many people suffer or know someone who has but dont talk about it we are always here for support we have all been there know how you are feeling take care