View Full Version : paralympics

03-09-12, 08:08
proud of these guys - very admirable... some of these people must have had to face many issues in their lives and still they keep on..

I know some people will feel, you can see what they have wrong unlike having problems people do not recognize and take seriously but I bet a lot of these people have had mental health issues along the way too.

makes me feel bad in a way, that I feel low with my problems but gives me hope and I am proud of them :-)

I wish more respected people would speak out about their struggles with life on the t.v. then people might realize how common it is and except it more, then perhaps we would not need to hide it so much or feel so bad...
strange how even my dad would understand it better if a professional football player said it in the right way but not his own son - celeb culture, don't get me started, that's another story lol

03-09-12, 14:01
I totally agree with you.The paralympians have achieved amazing things outwith the paralympics.