View Full Version : Do i have anxiety? PLEASE HELP!!!!

28-07-06, 13:54
hello all!

I am new here and would really appreciate some advice. I have been feeling unwell now for about 3 years. I have constantly been going to the doctors complaining of nausea, dizzyness and headaches. I have been tested for everything under the sun and they all came back normal.

I have been too emabaressed however to explain to my doctor that these symptoms only come on when in a social situation. Sometimes if I am out with my friends or in work etc i feel like i am trapped and I am afraid that I will vomit or faint. I know that when I escape from the situation that the symptoms will disapear but I cannot control them.

I have given up my job because of this and have stopped socialising. Do these symptoms sound like anxiety or do i have a medicall issue?


28-07-06, 14:18
killen please look at the sections here that relate to social anxiety, it sounds very like you have this and yes it is so possible to have such horrific symptoms with anxiety, we are all living proof of this

you are not alone


28-07-06, 14:18
Hi there, sorry you feel so bad right now. I would honestly say, in my opinion, that what you describe is anxiety. You have been thoroughly tested and given the all clear, so that is good. Try to let that reassure you, and also, once you leave the situation i.e. social gatherings etc. you feel so much better, this again points to anxiety. I would definately mention this to your doctor, he/she would have heard of it a million times before and can advise and help. In the meantime, have a good look around this site, and you will understand that you are not alone in any of this. take care and keep in touch. xx

polly daydream
28-07-06, 22:25
Hi Killen and welcome to the forum. Yes it sounds very much like you have a social phobia, I know many people with your sort of problem who are having CBT therapy and counselling, it may be a good idea to go back to your dr and admit what is happening to you, your dr will then be able to help you decide what sort of help you might need. Have you always found it hard to socialise or is it just over the last 3 years, did something happen while you were socialising at any time for you to feel like this?

Take care,


28-07-06, 22:36
Sounds like anxiety to me. Have you read the website on here to get some tips on coping?


29-07-06, 18:57
well before this all happened i was a very social person and always loved goin out with my friends so i really dont understand what has brought this all on.

i have a reputation as a bit of a worrier though and maybe thats what brought it on. i do tend to worry about every little thing to excess. it is just in the past 3 years really that i have been experiencing these problems.

i cant imagine the thought of going back to working even though i need to get a job because my money is running out now. i am avoiding going places if i feel that i may not be able to leave freely because i am afraid of getting sick or fainting in public.

i wish i could get this out of my head.