View Full Version : Piles?? Sorry tmi guys!!

03-09-12, 12:51
Hi there,

Yesterday i noticed that my bum felt strange and sometimes it was like i could almost feel something moving??? So i had a look at sorry tmi... there was a lump on the inside. I think it may be a pile but im not in pain and its not itchy or anything. im a little worried it could be something else as its a lump?? any help would be fab! xx

03-09-12, 13:12
It could be a pile but why not pop to the docs and get them to take a look

03-09-12, 15:31
Im really trying not go visit my docs as much, once i start its like i go back to feeling anxious every day! Im sat at my desk now and sometimes its like does a beat or something!! xx

03-09-12, 15:47
You can get over the counter cream for piles if you need that

03-09-12, 15:56
Im going to go to the chemist on my way home as its making me cringe when i can feel it, like its trying to push out, do you know if this is normal? x

03-09-12, 17:24
I used to have internal piles and now mine are external *sigh* but they can be uncomfortable yes

03-09-12, 17:41
Well its a trip to the chemist for me then! hopefully it will go in a few days! fingers crossed! My mum was telling me hers last weeks! i have had them before but not like this! x

04-09-12, 13:22
Hmm once i got home last night i checked and it appears that the lump i could see that was inside is now outside :( which is what i could feel moving! hopefully this cream will work!! x