View Full Version : my nightmare

03-09-12, 14:58
Today I was meant to be moving into my house. I go to get the keys and they say they need the guarantor. We can't get him so we cancle the vans that have already collected our stuff. We managed to get a hold of the guarntor then they say they need 70 quid so I have to borrow that from someone. Then we call the vans and we can't get our stuff back til tomorrow. One thing after another. As well as my dad giving my grief letting me know how rubbish I am. I know I will hurt myself tonight no ones listening when I tell them what do I do?

03-09-12, 15:31
Sorry to hear about that.I don't know your situation, but try not to take anything that your Dad has said to heart, he's probably just a little frustrated.

Hope you don't do anything to yourself mate.Think about the positive things in your life.

07-09-12, 21:47
Thank you chris xxx

07-09-12, 21:52
R, that sounds really annoying to go through all that hassle. Just ignore your dad, remember that you are a strong independent person with a lovely boyfriend and good pals who give you good advice.

08-09-12, 10:01
Thank you sunshine I know you're right I am a strong person