View Full Version : Are Brain Tumours Hereditary?

03-09-12, 18:00
Are Brain Tumours Hereditary?

Someone help me out, please

03-09-12, 18:09
Unfortunatly they are :/ can i ask why?

03-09-12, 18:10
I just done research and asked a doctor , they aren't hereditary. My uncle had one thats why i ask. U should research before commenting on these posts . people on these websites are very sensitive and easily sent into panic!

03-09-12, 18:34
No they are no hereditary at all

miss diagnosis
03-09-12, 18:44
No. my neighbour had one.Just one of those things.
Also just to mention that was about 15 years ago and she is grand.:)

03-09-12, 19:06
Thank you lovely people :)

03-09-12, 19:11
Hi, I was diagnosed with a brain tumour a couple of years ago and I was told that there is no evidence to suggest that brain tumours are hereditory. Of course two people in the same family could develop a tumour, but that is just coincidental, nothing more. x

03-09-12, 20:00
Thanks you Zingy :) How are you doing?

03-09-12, 20:49
I'm doing really well thank you Dylan, in fact my anxiety is causing me far more problems than the tumour, funny really. xxx

04-09-12, 08:08
Yh , Anxiety is a far worse illness than people realise.Glad you're doing well :)

04-09-12, 12:21
I just done research and asked a doctor , they aren't hereditary. My uncle had one thats why i ask. U should research before commenting on these posts . people on these websites are very sensitive and easily sent into panic!

Oh crap, my excuse than, -blame google- and btw, i have anxiety myself so i know that people are sensitive, my excuses again