View Full Version : Migraine, visitors and graduation

03-09-12, 18:43
The next two days are going to be.... challenging, shall we say!

Tomorrow afternoon my parents-in-law arrive to visit for two days. We don't see them often as they live several counties away, but they're coming this time because it's my husband's graduation on Wednesday.

I tend to get anxious before people come to the house anyway - I like my own space, and my own routine, and I like to be able to escape and be by myself if/when I want to, without feeling the need to make excuses. This time I'm more anxious than ever though because I'm really worried about going to the graduation on Wednesday. I keep getting visions that I'm going to panic and have to get up and run out halfway through, with 300+ people looking at me, and that I'll spoil the day for my husband who's worked so hard to get to this point :sad: It will also be just me, sat with my in-laws, and they don't know the ins and outs of my anxiety, which makes me even more anxious as I'll have to try to act "normal", and also won't be able to just get up and leave them sat there, will I?

I have the diazepam the Dr gave me a couple of months ago, to take as and when, but I won't even be able to take those inconspicuously, with my parents-in-law being here & everything!

To make matters worse, I woke up with a headache this morning which has decided to turn into a migraine, so I'm already on edge and there is still over 48 hours to go before it's all over and I can get back to normal :sad: