View Full Version : Just had a panic attack

28-07-06, 15:23
Hi - well - managed to get a drs appt for my asthma which is really bad but walked there in the heat and was wheezing badly then felt faint and by the time I walked into my doctors room I was hypervenilating and having a full blown panic attack and crying at the same time - He talked me down using a paper bag over my face and encouraged me which was great until I was ok again but my face was awash with mascara which took some cleaning up with tissues - couldnt stop crying - he explained to me that I am anxious about my breathing and the heat and that asthmatics are having a bad time of it at the moment and has put me on AMITRIPTLINE - anyone heard of this? and I am to see him again in3 weeks and he wants me to attend a group counselling thing for people with panic attacks - and learning to control your breathing.

Phew - back home now and feeling fine just upset I went to pieces!!!

Love wenjoy xx

marie ross
28-07-06, 15:40
Hi Wenjoy,

Oh you poor thing, you are hav'nt such a bad time of it at the moment - Sound like you've got a lovely doctor though, i am exactly the same, on Friday i went to the doctors (was forced into it!!!) by the time i was called in i was shaking and crying - but my doctor was lovely and reassured me!!

She does'nt want me to go on medication and wants me to see someone and talk to them, but i have to wait 6 weeks, but i feel a lot better knowing that all this is happening.

Its good that you're going for group counselling and learning to control your breathing - i really hope that it goes well for you.

Shame doctors can't change the weather though!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

28-07-06, 15:43
Hi Wenjoy,
You might feel like you went to pieces but you still got home well done for not giving in to the panic:D councelling can be very usefull you do learn how to use coping techniques when in a stressfull situation,
sounds like youve got a good doctor.

Take Care


28-07-06, 15:48

Aww sweetie I'm sorry you had such a bad day ((hugs)) but I'm glad to hear your doctor is a compassionate one and was able to help you out.

I'm very anxious about my breathing.. in fact it's one of the things guarenteed to send me off on a roller coaster rideand this weather has been just brutal for it.

Hang in there.. Group Counciling should help tons


28-07-06, 15:54
Hi Wenjoy,

A "big" Well done for not giving in to the panic:D, and getting to the doctors.

The group concelling sounds a good idea, sounds like you have a great doctor.

Keep Smiling



28-07-06, 15:56
Hello there friend, sorry to hear you had a very bad panic.
I'm only just beginning to understand ..... how SLOW of me[V][Oops!]


28-07-06, 16:44
Thankyou for your lovely comments - the sad thing is that i feel FINE now - I thinkt he heat and dizziness and asthma just made me hyperventilate and then ball my eyes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyhow I am a positive person so will be fine - have a great weekend one and all.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlove wenjoyxxxxxx

polly daydream
28-07-06, 19:30
Bless you sweet, glad you feeling better now:D

Take care,

Polly x

28-07-06, 20:28
glad you are feeling better wenjoy! hopefully just a blip onwards and upwards eh? luv kaz

28-07-06, 20:46
Hi Wenjoy, my asthma is usually very mild but whilst I can breathe, my chest feels v tight. Well done for getting to th Docs, glad you feel better. Was this drug you were given for the asthma or for the panic?

29-07-06, 10:03
Hi Louise
It was for anxiety and is only l0mg called Tripticyline which apparently is usually given at 50mg or more a day but I am on l0mg to help calm me down so my asthma doesnt get worse coz i get so worked up and panic withg my breathing!!!
Hope you ok. love wenjoy xxx