View Full Version : Hello, need some reminding of coping methods :D

03-09-12, 20:56
Hi there,

My name is John and I've suffered with anxiety for around 13-14 years now, blimey!

My mum passed away when I was young and I was left with the gift of anxiety shortly afterwards.

Within the last 3-4 years I have met a really awesome CBT therapist who has given me the skills to not feel anxious daily and to cope with attacks.

I'm currently stuck on something though.

Most of my anxiety is based on socially anxiety and what people think of me. We recently came to a head with our neighbour and I had to call the police as they were harrasing us with notes and bad behaviour. She is friends with other people in our close and now we get ignored by some neighbours and there are the odd issues with our children playing in the close. I cant escape these problems as they are on my doorstep and it has reached a stage where we are ignoring each othr which is great, but I get little pangs and attacks when ever I see or hear there cars pull up or see them talking to other neighbours etc and I'm not handling it very well.

I'm trying to rationalise, but its one of those things i cant escape from and its 'winning' at the moment.

Anyway I thought I'd come here and try something different from dealing with it by myself for a change. Thanks for listening

03-09-12, 21:06
Hi NoHero

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-09-12, 14:53
hey john, im Damon :shades:,im a newbie here and havent even written an intro as yet. but i was looking through the posts and saw yours..not sure im the right person to be answering your post but here goes...this type of behaviour from people is hard to cope with, im quite an anxious person thats why joined the site,but from people who live close by can be very upsetting. i suggest firstly...just try ignoring them, people like that thrive on upset and trauma and seeing you react in a negative way that will only let them move onto someone else..letting them see you getting upset will only fuel their silly little minds. when they think that they are getting to you, thats what they want. its hard i know. ive been through the same and its hard. but just try as best you can to stay calm and think positive:D .hope ive been of some help at least, but try to focus on the good things in your life,and dont let your mind wander onto the thoughts of the neighbours..they dont matter..you matter..all the best and let me know how your getting on Damon:noangel:

02-10-12, 12:58
Sorry for my delay,

thanks for this, these words are very true. Focusing on the good things in my life helps me realise how trivial these matters are.