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View Full Version : Huge spider in room

03-09-12, 21:06
Hi found a huge spider in room never seen one like it before friend had loads in house their huge bigger than any I've seen before scared to sleep incase their poisonous etccc and one bites me omg what I'd that wasn't only one in bedroom scared to death now to sleep....Apparatly their new read online if u get bit u cud loose a limb from some spiders what's if it was that one

03-09-12, 22:23

As much as I do understand your HA, I fear you are creating more problems for yourself here.

This is the UK and we have numerous breeds of spider. House spiders are enormous. It's just nature and they are more scared of you than you are of them hun. You won't lose a hair nevermind a limb.

Stop googling, It's an absolutely useless tool for people who have phobias and fears.

You really need to try to get some help for your HA Em because you'll drive yourself crazy if you don't.


04-09-12, 04:42
eeeek! haha I completely get where you're coming from...I am deathly afraid of spiders and won't go within an inch of one! I have always had a fear of one being in my shoes so I check em everytime lol.

04-09-12, 05:18
The only spiders you really need to worry about in the UK are actually quite small ones with large bodies. EVEN then they are terrified of humans and will do their best to hide. I know which spiders you are talking about by what you wrote and they are quite common and many people have been bitten by them with no effects whatsoever.

08-09-12, 17:46
thanks guys thing is i dont even have a fear of spiders lol
it was proberly more scared of me haha