View Full Version : hectic schedule begins this week

04-09-12, 00:32
This week I start again into my hectic schedule ... work, internship every day and night classes after ... I don't know how I will do, as I am only 8 days into take lexapro/escitalopram and although side effects aren't bad, I am still really tired out and am expecting anything can happen still.

Also awaiting blood test results and trying not to focus on it, but now that the holiday weekend is over I know that they will have to call sometime ... not allowed to have my cell on at my internship so I am worried I'll miss the call ... eek

I'd take my diazepam but it makes me way too sleepy to take during the day and keep my anx down. I don't know if I am ready for all of this yet, but I can't quit on school when I've come this far. Once you start, you only have so many years to finish.

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

can't leave my job either ... school is expensive and although i have student loans, i don't want to wipe out my savings ... just spent $1000 on books alone. ugh!

04-09-12, 08:26
I know what it's like to have a lot on n cope with anxiety, sometimes it all just seems to much so we stress about that on top of everything else. My advice take it one day at a time, try and be organised at night for the following day and try and enjoy the experience.
Good luck

04-09-12, 12:37
Thanks, I am hoping that the escitalopram will help me to be able to focus on just the day ahead of me once it kicks in. I get carried away with my thoughts and overwhelm myself.

Thanks for your advice :)

05-09-12, 14:58
No problem, just trying to share what works for me :) hope all goes well, I'm sure it will & keep me posted when you get time ����