View Full Version : Anxiety Can Get BENT!!

04-09-12, 00:37
I guess I have pretty much always been a worrier & anxious person. Had a horrible bout with terrible anxiety in 2008 than came the Depression from dealing with the Anxiety. Overcame the Depression & the horrible anxiety even though the anxiety never 100% went away but was manageable. But in the last month it's been horrible. I'm a very active person but in the last month it's been a struggle to get up and get ready for anything since the only time I feel good is laying in bed or sleeping. I refuse to let this dumb anxiety dictate my life!!! But it's been horrible in the last month. The lightheadedness, foggy brain, mental clarity being off!!! I know that I will get through this but it's so tiring dealing with this day in and day out. I have a wonderful husband who is very supportive so for that I'm thankful. I guess if I didn't have all these physical symptoms I would be ok.

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:34 ----------

And it's horrible not to be able to go into a public place and just feel so disconnected. Like I can't even enjoy shopping for browsing through a book store. It's like I'm keyed up all the time for no reason. I have no reason to be anxious. I have a pretty awesome life.

04-09-12, 00:41
Hey, I'm with you there.

The only time I feel good is when I am in bed either watching TV or sleeping. Its all I think about all the time. Mine started 11 weeks ago. and it hasnt left me. I am on Medication and just started it today. so hopefully this works.

I just want to be back to normal. People who know me are shocked that this is happening, coz im the one making the jokes and always up for a laugh and fun, so they all thought it was funny at first. I don't think they realise how bad this condition can be.

Its nice that you have courage and you have the mind set not to be beaten and I am going to take your inspiration and do my best to beat it.

Hope you get well soon.

Take care xx

04-09-12, 00:45
Hi smalls

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-09-12, 02:18
Hope you get well soon as well. And we will :-) It's just so frustrating and draining. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy...It has consumed me for the past month. I went to my first cbt therapist appt. last Wednesday. Going to go once a week. I'm hoping that will help me learn to retrain my brain to stop thinking about this anxiety all day. Ughhhhh If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. For me it helps to talk to others who are going through the same thing. Makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who is going through this crap

04-09-12, 02:40
hi smalls, your pathway seems similar to mine. i had a major episode in 1997 resulting in hospitalization which i overcame. the depression lifted the anxiety never quite went away but was at managable so i could enjoy mylife. however lately the anxiety levels at have begun to soar and my arch enemy panic came back with a vengance. my last super panic was in tesco on friday. i have no idea what i bought i stumbled round picking up anything and holding onto the freezer's fordear life. i made it home and took to my bed until the next day. i wont take meds as the side effects are worse than the panic. however i have professional massages which i have to say really help as for 1 hour every week the tension is ironed out of me.

kind regards