View Full Version : the battle ground

04-09-12, 02:22
hello and morning to every one. i have been at war with panic and anxiety for past 15 years ever since one week in 1996 sent me from a happy, go lucky sort of guy into an alternate world where i became this anxiety ridden nrevous wreck.

today i am some where inbetween with a combination of spills and thrills of a day. anxiety levels at present are sky high.

just thought id introduce myself and say hi.

apologies for spelling/grammer using laptop at work which is pants.,

04-09-12, 02:36
Hey dude.Welcome to the site.I'm pretty new myself.You're very much the same as me in terms of where you are and what's happened in the past.

Don't worry about spelling and grammer - It's pretty much irrelevant when it comes to looking for a bit of support.

Hope you're having a good morning.

04-09-12, 02:38
Hi MARK1971

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-09-12, 02:45
hiya chris yea my morning not to bad just waking for this night shift to end so can go to bed for the day. does not help when anxiety levels are high and ,y head like a whirlpool but guess being tired makesit worse. hope you getting out and about


04-09-12, 02:57
Glad to hear you're not too bad mate.Yeah, can be difficult at anytime of the day.Tired's a good thing though, you get to sleep well and have a break from your thought process :)>

Forcing myself to do things, so getting out a bit.

Thanks mate.Hope you rest well.