View Full Version : vision problems, scared of blindness!

04-09-12, 09:16
Hi everyone,

I am having trouble with my vision -

When i wake up from sleeping, either in the middle of the night or after a whole nights sleep i see what i can only describe a a grid of moving shimmery dots on whatever surface i look at.

Its not floaters, i have had them many times and its nothing like them.

You know on a TV set when you go to an analogue channel and now all there is is "snow?" Its very similar to that what i see.
Its not like its actually in my vision its more like on any surface i look at upon waking, ie the roof, wall, cabinets etc.
It goes away after a minute or so, and i don't see it at any other time except for when i wake up after sleeping.

Any ideas?? My stupid anxiety head is telling me that one day im gonna wake up blind!!!!!!

04-09-12, 12:41
I get this too. No idea what it is but i've had my eyes checked and i've had an mri scan of my brain so i'm guessing it's perfectly normal.

The only thing i was told it could be is a result of over using my laptop before bed and spending too long looking at the screen in a dimly lit room which is probably what it is