View Full Version : i'm scared

28-07-06, 20:40
I'm really scared about my next attack. it has been eight weeks since i had my last full blown attack as i've been using my hypnotherapy and breathing techniques to calm myself down and to try and stop the attacks turning into a full blown attack. so you are probably ondering why i am scared?
Since monday i have constantly fely on edge as though i am going to take a full blown attack badly but each day have managed to stop it coming on. i want to keep stopping it as i am scared about having an attack but i am so worried if it hapens as its been solong it will be so much worse and so much harder to deal with and because i have reached two months i can almost gaurantee that this time i will faint - i kind of know how my body works.
and its not just having an attack and the consequences that scare me it is also the way other people will react and how disapointed they will be in me. i just don't know what to do.

28-07-06, 20:57
Hi There Crazychick Please stop dreading the next attack it is the one thing thats guaranteed to make sure it happens!! easier said than done i know but you will ruin your life if you keep waiting for it to happen! Try to think of it like this...you have survived panic attacks before and although they are awful you will survive the next one if and when it happens!!! By working yourself up all the time you are going to make yourself panic try to relax and tell yourself you will worry about it if andwhen it happens and not spend time dwelling on it hope this is some help and dont forget we are all here for you Take Care luv kaz

28-07-06, 21:42
Hi there, you have done so well controlling your panics, and will continue to do so, I find that distraction helps, as soon as i get that awful feeling, as if it will spread up my body and then i will lose control, i do absolutely anything to distract me, and i mean anything....use every technique you have learnt, put on music/tc/have a shower, wash hair, sing shout anything to take away that awful feeling. It does work, trust me. If the worse did happen, and it does at times, it would be no worse than usual, maybe less so, cos you know how to handle it and scare it away, please try not to think about the next attack, by doing that you will bring it on. you take care and keep in touch.

28-07-06, 23:45


Please please please.. I'm begging you try to stop worrying about it! 8 weeks is wonderful progress! and that is what you should be focusing on negatives and what if thinking are going to send you spiraling right into self doubt which can cause you to panic!

Which could be what is causing the anxious feelings you've been having as of late. Also think about what's been going on in your life as of late have you had an unsual amount of stress? That could be adding to your dread as well..if you begin to worry about when the next attack is coming you can actually cause yourself to FEAR the attack which in the long run can turn into Agoraphobia..

Try to find things to occupy your mind.. like music? that's always a good approach in fact if you do turn on something you find to be energetic and just sing along at the top of your lungs.. singing causes you to breathe correctly =)

Puzzle Games are especially useful.. as is writing down your thoughts.. if hypnotherapy helps try doing it in the morning when you get up if you have time and as your falling asleep.. do something nice for yourself even if it's taking a nice long shower.. just don't give into the fear and in no time you'll feel better =)

I was panic free for just about 5 mnths.. up till the middle of last month relapses happen especially if you expierencing life changes.. they also happen when you first start being able to reel in your attacks.. Believe it or not when I started doing relaxation therapy and it started to help I used to have attacks from being relaxed because it was so foreign.. but above all sweetie have faith in yourself your doing great keep it up =)


29-07-06, 21:30
THank you for your replies.
I know i'm being stupid worrying as it will probably happen. this has happened bfore and i think it is because the first attack after a long space of time without them is always a difficult attack to deal with. despite years of suffering i still get scared during attacks a si do not know ow to deal with htem. I'm so scared of letting everyone down as people are eventually begining to forget about them and my work have even promoted me lately and i think that was a big decision for them to make and i'm really scared that i will just let everyone down.
I'm just so scared i want to increase this eight weeks into a much longer space of time but i am so scared that maybe i am trying to do too much too soon. Its the fainting i am really scared about and it is after long periods of time that this normaly happens but its making me scared to do things incase i ake the next attack and i'm in a public place - maybe the gym, my work, a shop or outside and i could be injured. i know all this is making it worse but its a no win situation and how will i ever cope if i manae months or even a year or something between attacks. its just no good.

30-07-06, 16:00
I think i'm more scared of the consequences of an attack rather than an attack. its te fainting and breathing difficulty i dread as can deal with the rest most of the time as have to almost on a daily.


i can't handle this

30-07-06, 17:03
Can you carry a paper bag with you as well so as soon as you can feel things getting bad you can start controlling the breathing etc?


31-07-06, 09:23
crazy chick,

you say " because its been so long it will be so much worse -
I can almost gaurantee that this time I will faint"

Please please please join Moodgym, a online FREE cbt that actually describes the way you think.

Your thinking is the fortune teller who can supposedly see the future.

Just because you havent taken a panic for months doesnt mean it builds up - infact I belive it weakens.

On Thursday I took my first panic in 6 weeks, I was standing in a shop and felt it coming on, it was what I call a half panic because it didnt peak as much as it could of.



31-07-06, 16:56
I don't go anywhere without a paper bag, its partly security though like my inhalor! its actually difficult to get hold of a paperbag or i find it to but i hae a collection of all the different ones you get in the supermarket etc.
I know the attack itself is not any worse its more the way i deal with it but from past experience anytime i get over a month i faint during the next attack as i panic so much more.
I'm trying to stay aware of how i am feeling but everytime i feel slightly panicy i start to panic about panicing which i think makes it a no win situation.
8 weeks is two months and i'd love to make it 3 months but i don't know if i'll manage it. i went scarily light headed and dizzy todaywhen tarting to panic and had to scream to my manager at work to come over - its just really scary and i don't want to let people down.
the funny thing is i work in a supermarket - probably the worst place for a sufferer to work but i have supportive managers and collagues which is why i don't want to lket them down.
my other fear is someone panicking and calling an ambulance - i hate hospitals!

01-08-06, 15:50
Hi, I also find I dread my next attack- but I think you must always remember that it won't make it any easier if you worry so you shouldn't bother (easier said than done eh?). I think my constant fear is of the fear itself. The physchologist I'm seeing says- "but if you do panic, what's the worst that could happen?"- and I just keep telling her that the feeling of intense terror and terrible thoughts are enough for me- nothing 'actually' has to happen for it to be really scary.

You aren't alone, and things will get better,
