View Full Version : Tooth extraction

04-09-12, 10:05
Im sooo annoyed, i dont know how to control myself. Right at this moment i feel like jumping infront of an on coming train and i dont live far from a trainstation so i might well do that!

I went to the dentist last Thursday for a checkup, all was ok apart from i needed a temp fillin which i got done when i was pregnant changing to a proper one, so i got my appointment for that which i had today (but never got it done which il explain)

anyway on the friday after my appointment i started gettign severe crippling pain, so i made an appointment for tuesday (because of bank holiday) and i got prescribed antibiotics because they said it looked like an abcsess was starting. So anyways i went to my appointment today, and now he said cos the anitbiotics have worked it means that the tooth is dead! EH??? how is that, he said the only way is tooth extraction, which may i add i have to get done the day after my birthday!!

how can my tooth be fine at my checkup on thursday, but the next day develope an abscess? i dont get it, and what happened to root canals and all that trying to save ur tooth? seems to me that they will do anything.

So now im going to be worried that after my tooth at the very back is pulled out that im gonna have so much swelling its going to affect my breathing, and now does this mean im gonna be prone to teeth been taking out?

iv never smoked or anything and i brush morning and night and use mouthwash, i dont floss.. i must admit. but my tooth cant be dead surely not.. i mean im still sensitive to hot and cold.

has anyone else had there tooth out? im 24 i cant believe this :(

04-09-12, 10:21
yes ive had a tooth out it isnt that bad really, hope u go on ok

05-09-12, 08:05
Tooth abscesses can come on very quickly indeed, and as you've found out, they can be horrendously painful (I've had a couple myself, so I know!). Unfortunately, it's very difficult to save the tooth as the abscess will keep coming back underneath it. They can occasionally be sorted out with root canal treatment but it can take months to stabilise and as it's one of your back teeth, your dentist has obviously decided that it's better for you to just take it out.

I've had teeth taken out at the very back, including my top wisdom teeth, and although it's not very pleasant at the time, your mouth will heal up quickly and any pain afterwards can be sorted out with a couple of paracetamol.

I'm sure you'll be fine!